Chapter 18

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Recap: "Oh and by the way," he said making me turn around "Keep away from her" he said in a serious deadly voice "I mean it, keep the fuck away from her, if I ever see you near her...well" he let out a low chuckle "You dont want to find out what can happen" he said, and with that he left the restaurant leaving me alone.

James P.O.V

I don't know how long I stayed in that restaurant, how long I stared out the window.

All I could register was the slow aching pain that was revolving around my chest.

The heat in my cheeks, the rapid pounding of my heartbeat.

"Sir? Im sorry we're about to close" I heard one of the waitresses tell me politely.

I forced myself to look up at her and gave her a numb nod, I looked at my watch and realized I had been sitting here frozen for almost two hours now.

I slowly exhaled and eventually forced myself to stand up leave.

"Sir! Your flowers! Aren't you going to take them?" the same waitress asked.

Every muscle in me tightened with anger and I turned around to see the bouquet of flowers that had been meant for Ally still sitting there on the table. "Keep them," I said through clenched teeth "Or better yet throw them away" I said leaving the place.

I couldn't help but feel miserable as I walked towards the mall back to my car.

The weather seemed to be in favor with my current mood, the puffy gray clouds signalled it was about to rain any minute now.

I thought about everything that had just happened and couldn't help but feel the warmth in my cheeks spread more. I thought about Alice, and about that stupid irking idiot of her brother and Luke.

God how I hated them both right now!

Those pair of rich boys thought they could do anything! And in part they could, they had all the wealth in the world to do as they pleased.

Everything that had just happened replayed in my head freshly as if it had just happened.

I thought deeply about Alice, of the words Luke had said earlier.

"Im her boyfriend."

Those words echoed in my head bouncing inside me no matter how much I tried to stop thinking about them.

I'm not going to lie, it hurt to think of them to be true, it made me want to punch someone. My head was really spinning with thoughts!

The girl I liked, the girl I truly liked, maybe even loved had a boyfriend already? I find myself a fun pretty girl who I find interesting and weirdly enough I cant seem to get enough of her and it might be possible that she's already taken?

I couldn't believe it, no, I refused to believe it!

How could Alice have a boyfriend? I knew she couldn't! She had barely been here in Port Arthur for about a month, and that whole month was approximately the amount of time I knew her.

Never did I see her with another guy, I didnt even see her texting someone else, or receiving calls!

She had gone out with me for almost as long as I known her and never once did she mention anyone else.

My mind recalled our earlier conversations and I was positive there was never a time when she stated she had a boyfriend.

I thought to when we had agreed to sex with no strings, if she had a boyfriend of her own why would she agree to have sex with me? Why would she be seeing me all the time?

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