Chapter 1

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COPYRIGHT: This story "The Boy With Tattoos" including all chapters, prologues, epilogues, and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers, content within blogs, and social networks) is copyrighted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (Dawson Sasha) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.


A:N/ This is a new book Im starting to write out and it's quite different from the rest of the stories I've written, first it's not a vampire story or werewolf, so yeah, hope you give this book a chance :) Thank you so much for reading and sorry for any mistakes.

Chapter 1

Picture of Alice on the side ------->

Alice P.O.V

You want to know whats worse than having to travel twenty six hours in a car with your mom towards a dreadful destination?

No, its not the way you're in the car the whole freaking time.

It's not the way your legs and butt go all numb either.

Or the fact that in twenty six hours you only stop twice to make a quick trip to the bathroom and the second time you find there's no toilet paper at the gross filthy gasoline station bathroom.

No, it wasnt the horrible traffic jam.

It wasnt the horrible squishy peanut butter and jelly sandwhices we ate either, the only meal we ate I might as well add.

It wasnt the terrible weather at all.

No, whats worse than all of those things put together is having to go spend my summer vacation with my arrogant father and his new fake wife. I say fake because thats what she is, a total plastic barbie I tell you! I suspect she's had over ten surgeries done all over her body.

Her name is Rebecca but I prefer calling her Fake Barbie, suits her way better.

With perfect blonde waistline hair, perfect features on her face, a waist Tinkerbell would envy.

Yeah, fake barbie would be my step mom if my real mother died.

I looked out the window and groaned slouching even more on the seat God this is going to suck ass!

Thousands of miles away from my beautiful California, from the beaches and parks. This summer I was going to spend it in Port Arthur, someplace in Texas, a city I think, that I had never even heard about until my father and his barbie wife decided to move there.


I have no clue but at that time I thought the further they were away from mom and I the better.

I was going to spend over two months of my summer vacation stuck inside a rich house! I was supposed to go to this awesome concert, Coldplay was going to give this awesome tour and my friends and I were totally going to go, but now thats not possible since Im on my way to freaking hell right now!

Texas, me in Texas? Who would've thought? You might think Texas is hot, beautiful desert along the way, good climate, well let me scratch that completely off!

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