Chapter 14

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Alice P.O.V

"Sit up straight Alice!" Fake Barbie hissed at me giving me a big frown, "We do not slouch while eating," she said sitting straighter herself.

I grunted and slouched even more making her glare at me, "Alice," dad warned rolling his eyes.

I rolled my eyes back, who cared if I slouched? It's not like the prince of England was sitting here with us eating breakfast!

"I'm not even slouching," I murmured.

"Sit straight" he ordered.

"And I want you to dress properly from now on! No more of those band t-shirts or neon converse! Honestly have you even looked at your closet? What happened to the clothes I bought you a couple of weeks ago?" she asked.

I burned them, I wanted to say, "Whats wrong with my clothes?" I sighed, again it's not like we were going to have anyone special over! The only people who would probably look at me were just the maids!

"It's inappropriate for young girls to wear band t-shirts! Why cant you wear dresses more often? You'd look adorable!" she frowned.

I gave her a horrified look and looked at her, dad, and Aiden. I never did notice that they always looked as if they were going out to a party. I could understand dad because he had to go to work, but Fake Barbie and Aiden always stayed here in the house!

I flickered my eyes to Aiden, he was wearing an expensive looking dark blue suit, with a tie and everything! I swear the day I get to see Aiden in pj's all day long will be a miraculous day!

"I don't like dresses," I shrugged as I ate my cereal.

Fake Barbie shook her head and clicked her tongue, "You should start wearing them, I bet you'd look good! You'd look even better if you'd wash that dreadful color out of your hair too" she gave me a nasty look "Isn't that right darling?" she asked dad.

He nodded, "You would look nicer" he agreed.

I scrunched my nose, "I'd rather eat dog food!"

"I know what we'll do this afternoon darling!" she suddenly gasped, "I'll take you to my salon and have them do a full make over on you! I know just the place where you can get your hair cut!" she grinned from ear to ear.

I dropped my spoon on my bowl!

So we were going to spend another morning criticizing me were we?

There was no way I was going anywhere with her! Specially to a place where there was scissors so close to my reach! I could accidentally grab them and oh I don't know, stab her!

"I'll have them do a full make over on you, dress you up, and I'll even ask them to take out all of those piercings for you! You'll look marvelous!" she continued.

"It'll be a long process mom," Aiden snickered "It'll be like taking an emo guy there and trying to transform him into a princess" he laughed.

I shot him a glare, he was back to being his usual jerk mean self. I guess whatever his stupid mommy had told him yesterday had erased any trace of friendship we could've had.

Not that I was ever planning on being his actual friend, but still, I couldn't forget the way he hugged me last night.

I had actually tried talking to him this morning and apologize for getting him in trouble but all he did was ignore me and once in a while tease me in a mean way, so in a way I felt like if this was my very first day here all over again.

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