Chapter 11

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"Wait...Im so confused now!" I frowned looking from her to the prick.

He turned to her also and frowned, "Yeah I'm confused also! Alice what the hell did you tell him?" he frowned at her.

She opened her mouth but no words came out, her cheeks seemed to grow even more red.

"Alice what the hell! Explain to us because I am so confused right now!" I demanded.

She bit her lip hard and shuffled her feet, I could read only one thing in her eyes, oh shit, they said.

 Alice P.O.V

Oh God, this was so awkward!

Oh shit, how was I going to explain this one?

My mind was going blank with embarrassment, shit what did I say?

I could see James and Aiden waiting for me to talk, waiting for an explanation, I tried to open my mouth to speak, to say anything but really I couldn't. I was so embarrassed I had no idea what I was going to say!

"Alice!" Aiden hissed at me waiting for an answer.

I took a deep breath and decided to go ahead and say the whole truth, I mean, either way I was already much screwed, the truth would come out anyways. Besides I dont think I could come up with another lie good enough for them to believe.

"I lied to you James, I told you my half brother was my boyfriend so I could get you jealous," I admitted feeling my cheeks burning up.

James opened his mouth looking slightly surprised, " he is your half brother then?!" he asked.

I nodded gulping away embarrassment.

"What the hell! Alice why would you make up a lie like that?" he asked looking nothing but confused.

On the other hand Aiden, like the drama queen he is let out a loud sound of disbelief, "You what?! Alice you're sick! How could you lie to him and tell him I was your boyfriend? Do you know how weird that sounds!" he shook his head giving me a disgusted look.

"I know," I frowned quietly.

"No wonder you were acting all weird! I knew you were being too nice with me! Wow and I believed it all! I thought you really were having a good time! You're a natural Alice, you had me fooled" he shook his head.

This made me frown, "Half of the time I wasnt acting!" I protested, "I was having a good time with you, I realized that if Im nice to you then you're not such a big jerk to me" I told him.

"Well Im going to be a jerk to you again because it's your fault I have a swollen lip and my nose will probably be all swollen tomorrow, thanks to you!" he snapped.

"I didnt tell James to punch you!" I cried.

"Hey I punched him because I really thought he was cheating on you!" James spoke up.

"Yeah but no one told you to do it, really it was none of your business if he had been my boyfriend and were cheating on me there would be no reason why you should butt in" I told him back.

"What did you want me to do? To just watch and pretend I hadnt seen anything? The only reason I punched him was because I really thought you two were together!" he frowned at me.

"Still James you shouldnt have-"

"You lied to the poor guy Alice!" Aiden interrupted, "It's your damn fault for lying to him! Who lies and says their half brother is their boyfriend to get some guy jealous!?" he shook his head at me, "You moron," he called me.

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