Chapter 24

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"B-but....what about-? Are you sure? I mean..." I stuttered, he watched me with an amused expression "You're becoming flushed Ally, what, don't tell me you don't want to be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Are you kidding? Of course I do!" I said happily.

He grinned in triumph "I thought so," he laughed kissing me again, his laugh automatically made me laugh too.

I felt so happy right now!

"Why are you laughing?" he laughed more.

"Because you are!" I giggled, he was able to make that stupid giggling school girl come out from me.

"Only because you are" he laughed again.

Oh his laugh! It felt so good to hear it again!

I sighed happily and hugged him to me as we kissed, this is what I needed, this is what I needed to feel happy.


My James, my boy with tattoos.

Alice P.O.V

His hands, everywhere on me, exploring new areas of my body, lingering in parts of me that only left sparks of heat in me. His lips didn't separate from my skin one inch, they travelled from my lips to my jaw to my neck, to my breasts leaving me nothing but breathless.

I could feel my face warming up, the more his hands caressed my body the more the heat in my cheeks rose. Oh the passion I felt, it was incredible what I felt for my boy with tattoos, yes now I could officially claim him as mine.

He was mine only, oddly we belonged to each other, and now I could understand that, I could see this, James and I were meant to be together.

I wasn't meant to be with the spoiled brat of Luke, no matter how nice he could actually be. And James didn't belong with Jessie, at all! It relieved me to know that he didn't want her, that he only saw her as a sister.

The only girl he had eyes for was me, and boy did that make me feel special! You bet my heart was practically bouncing with happiness! To know that a hot, sweet, guy like James wanted me! Me! I still couldn't quite grasp the concept that I was his girlfriend, I mean, I was ecstatic! Happy! Overjoyed, but it left me wondering, how did I ever get so lucky?

And to think that I didn't want to come here to Port Arthur in the first place, I thought this summer was going to suck and be miserable, but boy did James change that completely! Now, I found myself not wanting to leave so soon!

Of course not leaving so soon meant having to stand Fake Barbie, and Aiden, and of course the grouch of my father...and Luke! But for James, it was worth it, I could stand Fake Barbie's high pitched voice a couple of more weeks.

I could stand Aiden and his arrogance, I could even stand Luke and his stupid seduction game! For my James, I could see myself doing just about anything, except leaving him.

There was something growing only expanding into tingles everywhere in me. The more James kissed my lips the more my need for him increased, my fingers dug into his back urgently, I needed him! I needed him before I exploded into a mess of quivering warmth.

My need soon became almost this painful throb, "James," I moaned tugging on his pants. I felt him smile against my neck where he gently sucked, "Mmm?" I heard him reply, his hands only tickled my thighs more making me wiggle under him. Oh man the luxury I felt to have his hands on me, I felt like I had been waiting for an eternity!

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