Chapter 34

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A:N/ This is the last chapter! :) Thank you so much for reading and sorry for any mistakes!

James P.O.V


Her room was completely empty.

I looked around me almost in panic.

Had I gotten into the wrong room?

Maybe she had changed rooms?

Or maybe she left?

I swallowed when I thought of that.

Holy shit, had she left?

Was that it?! She couldn't have left! Not this fast!

She would've told me! She would've said something, at least said goodbye! Right?

I tried not to get more upset, maybe she had changed rooms knowing I would try and sneak in here? That sounded logical!

I got out my phone and dialed her number, "The number you are tying to reach is unavailable, please press.." I clenched my jaw when I heard the automatic voice message. I looked around me, she had to have changed rooms!

The mansion was huge! She could be anywhere! She could've changed rooms to any other part of the house.

I cursed under my breath, now how was I supposed to find her? I tried to call her again but once more the machine answered.

I tried to ignore the unpleasant feeling that had settled in my stomach.

She didn't leave, I kept telling myself, she's here somewhere.

I didn't know what to do, if go out and look for her from room to room? I gotta admit that was a bit too risky, say her dad saw me? Or if a maid confused me for a thief? Then I would really get my ass throw in jail for trespassing private property!

I stood there in debate, I didn't know what to do, I wanted to see her! I needed to see her!

I decided to wait outside for her, I didn't care if I had to sit outside the whole night, even the whole day! She'd have to come outside eventually! And if she didn't then I would risk going to the front door and asking for her, even though I bet once her dad recognized me he'd call the cops on me!

I climbed out her window carefully, my whole torso hurt from where Ryan punched me, I got to admit I'm lucky he didn't puncture my damn liver! That guy can punch!

It took great effort but I managed to land on the floor without breaking my foot. I looked at the huge mansion, was she in there? Maybe I could find a maid and ask her to look for her and ask her to bring her outside?

"You know trespassing private property is illegal, you could go to jail for it," I heard a voice say.

I jumped a mile and turned around, my heart sunk to the floor "Fuck," I whispered under my breath. It was her brother, leaning against the side of the house smoking a cigarette. I had been caught and its not like I could pretend I was just casually here.

Damn it, it was almost midnight, I didn't expect anyone to be out here.

"Um, dude I'm real-"

"Did you come to look for her?" he interrupted giving me a glare.

Darn, he knew why I was here, no point in denying it now.

I nodded feeling like an idiot once more. Wow, that's twice today! What a record.

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