Chapter 19

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Alice P.O.V

"Let go of me Aiden!" I shrieked angrily throwing a random punch at his face but he held my arms tightly before I could do any damage.

"Will you calm the heck down?" he growled.

"I fucking hate you prick! What makes you think you have the right to just drag me out of a place Im in huh?" I tried to slap his arm.

"I told you I was going to come pick you up" he said calmly.

"And I told you I was going to be home in a bit! Damn you Aiden you ruined everything!" I shrieked angrily.

"You should thank me Alice! Dad was getting angrier by the minute! From all I know he's probably going to ground you again" he snickered.

"I dont give a damn if he does! I wouldnt have gone home either way until that little brat left!" I snapped looking behind us to see Luke crossing the street running to catch up with us.

I clenched my teeth hard and felt anger running through my whole body at the sight of him, damn that idiot! He and Aiden had ruined everything! They had ruined a perfect good afternoon with James!

At the thought of James I looked behind my shoulder across the street at the Chinese restaurant, I could barely see him through the windows, sitting there just staring straight ahead of him.

I balled my fists wondering what in the heck Luke had told him! God I was so going to do illegal shit to him! He was going to wake up underwater!

Aiden was done dragging me to his car and he opened the back door for me "Get in" he ordered.

"Screw you!" I snapped yanking my arm away from him.

"Get in before I force you!" he threatened.

"Fuck you Aiden you cant force me to do shit!" I growled giving him a threatening glare, if he dared carry me again I was going to make sure he was never able to reproduce ever again!

He rolled his eyes and shoved me into his car "You're such a drama queen!" he said slamming the door.

I tried to get out but I guess he had guessed I would try to do so because he locked the car doors while he waited for Luke.

I let out a shriek of anger as I tugged on the car door, I was trapped in here.

Damn it! I was so pissed off right this moment! How dare those idiots come look for me? Jeez they had ruined such a good moment with James, and what was worse is that  he had wanted to ask me an important question!

And I was almost sure he was about to ask me to be his girlfriend!

Why else would he be so nervous? He had looked so adorable with a light blush on his cheeks, he was ten time sexier when he was nervous! I was almost certain he was finally going to ask me out exclusively and the idiots of Aiden and Luke had ruined that chance!

Now I was never going to know if that was what James was going to ask.

What if the opportunity didnt come again?

Man I didnt know who I wanted to punch more! Luke or Aiden? Stupid Luke I bet he was the one with the idea of coming to look for me! And what was worse is that he kept calling me princess in there in front of James and even brought me roses! I was so glad I hadnt accepted them!

I looked miserably out the window towards the restaurant, I could barely make out James but he was still there, sitting so still it worried me. Shit I probably bet he thought Luke was my boyfriend or something stupid like that.

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