Chapter Nineteen - Mika

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I ran backstage as tears threatened to flow, I dodged past people left and right until I reached the back door.

How could he do that to me? Kiss someone else in the dark corner while I was in the same bloody room, less than 100 damn feet away. Was everything he said a lie? Just to play me into doing things with him when others wouldn't? I need to get away from all of this before I break something.

I pushed it open and ran outside into the warm air but didn't stop as I heard Keira call out my name from behind me. I ran past a group of young guys as they leaned against the wall outside the club but didn't stop as they called out to me. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and ran to my car. A few minutes later as I eased out of the parking lot across the street from the front of the club, and let the tears fall as I quickly drove home with the music blaring. Half an hour later, I drove into the driveway and turned off my music. I sat in the car for a few minutes as I wiped my eyes, and made sure I wasn't crying before I got out and headed to the front door. Once inside, I slowly walked up the stairs and dawdled into my room but stopped when I saw Caitlyn standing in her doorway, staring at me with concerned eyes but that couldn't be it because she's never even thought about me if I was hurt or anything.

I lowered my head and walked into my room without looking back as she said my name quietly. I shut the door behind me and locked it before heading into the bathroom to have a long and hot shower. I knew it wouldn't wash the pain away or even numb it but I needed to get all of this make-up off before I got irritated. I turned on the hot water and slowly undressed as I thought back to when I saw Steven kiss that black haired girl in the corner. I almost lost concentration when I saw them but I couldn't stop playing otherwise they would have realised something was wrong and ran after me to find out. I stepped under the hot water and gasped as it burnt my skin but I didn't move. I balled my hands into fists as the hot water soaked me from head to toe, I didn't move as the makeup slowly washed away with the running water. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall as I leaned my back against the wall and slid down to the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and lowered my head as I heard someone knock on my bedroom door and call out my name softly. My parents weren't home and Caitlyn doesn't care about anything so that could only leave Keira and Max. I didn't move as my body went numb and I felt tired as my entire previous energy buzz from being up on stage left my body with the water as it ran down the drain.

I don't know how long I stayed in the shower for, just sitting there but when I opened my eyes again, I was so tired, I almost fell asleep right there but I forced myself to keep my eyes open as I blew out a long breath and ran a hand through my wet hair.

They knocked again but louder for a few seconds until everything went quiet and I blew out a long breath. I slowly stood up and washed my hair and body before I turned the water off and stepped out, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me tightly as I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a few seconds until I stepped out of my bathroom and walked over to my bed. I sat down and closed my eyes for a few minutes until I stood up and waked over to my closet. Another knock sounded on the door but I made no move to open it as I opened my closet door and grabbed a fresh change of clothes, which were a pair of pj bottoms and a singlet. I slowly got dressed as I refused to open the bedroom door after every knock but every knock lead to two more and it just added on from there. They soon became impatient or aggravated but I ignored them all as I brushed my hair and lied down. I wrapped myself up in my colourful blanket and slowly fell asleep but my dreams were plagued with the memory of Steven kissing the girl back at the club.

I woke up a dozen times throughout the night so at about 3 a.m, I got up and walked out onto the balcony before curling up in the egg chair. I watched the sun rise as the knocking continued but just as I was about to head back inside, I heard someone call my name from the backyard.

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