Chapter Nine - Mika

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"Oh my God, Mika. You made out with Steven! I knew you were mad but I didn't think that you'd do that right after saying you were going to wack him over the head with a guitar a few minutes before you walked through the door," I drove back to my house as Keira was bouncing around in the front seat yelling and squealing about Steven.

"Keira, I've already told you that I'm still mad but it's just not as bad as before so can you please stop squealing about Steven and I, you're beginning to annoy the shit out of me," I pulled into the driveway and headed to the front door when Keira jumped out and ran after me as I walked in the door. She bounded into the house, dropped her bag by the door and shut the front door behind her before racing into the kitchen after me.

"Mika, why didn't you tell me you were going to make out with Steven? If I'd known that then I wouldn't of even walked into the music room to begin with but as soon as I saw you guys, I knew something happened because your hair looked like someone dragged their hands threw it and don't get me started on your clothes because I can tell you now that I saw how rumpled and messy your clothes were when they were neat and relatively tidy when you first walked in. Anyway, did he make the first move or did you put up that whole 'I'm innocent and I need protection' thing that you do?" Keira snapped her fingers in front of my face when I didn't reply for a few minutes because I was thinking back to the way Steven kissed me. "Hello, anyone in there?" I snapped out of my little trance and saw that Keira was standing in front of me with her hands on her hips looking like she was about to slap the shit out of me.

"Huh, what? What was the question?"

"I said who made the first move?"

"Oh, it was kind of a shared thing. He helped me to the couch after I washed my hands and then we sat there and talked for a bit. The next thing I know, he kissed me. Now do you want to go up to my room or watch movies in the living room?" I looked at Keira but she ignored my question and just kept talking about Steven.

"Come on, tell me and I'll tell you what Max said about Steven earlier."

"What did Max say?" I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, headed towards the couch and sat down after grabbing the remote from the coffee table.

"Tell me first," Keira walked in and sat down on the couch, facing me.

"You're not going to give up any time soon are you?" I laughed softly when she winked at me and smiled.

"Not a chance."

"Fine. I'm getting really uncomfortable right now so can we please stop talking about this and just watch some T.V now."

"Not yet, please just tell meeee."

"Keira, please just stop. Tell me what Max said please."

"I was hoping that you would tell me because you would want to know what he said but unfortunately you didn't fall for that so there is literally nothing to tell. So what are you going to do now, I mean what are you guys now?"

"Max knows that I like someone but I don't think he knows who yet but he asked me out on Saturday after the gig, so there's always that. Not Max, of course. Steven asked me out."

"Are you kidding me? Did you say yes?" Keira jumped up on the couch and put her feet beneath her as she turned her body towards me.

"Yes I did but I'm sure that he'll change my opinion of him before Saturday."

"Holy mother of God. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Why didn't you tell me when you found me outside waiting for you?"

"I didn't tell you because I knew that you would've acted like this and how did you know he was going to ask me out?"

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