Chapter Thirty Eight - Mika

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I dodged around Steven as he tried to block me before throwing the ball and making a three-pointer shot in the hoop. I laughed and threw my hands in the air with a smile while he collected the ball and came to stand in front of me. "Ha, I win," I inhaled deeply and smiled, "do you hear that? It's the sound of triumph. And the crowd goes wild." I cupped my hands around my mouth and whisper yelled, "Mika! Mika! Mika! You are amazing! Never doubted that you'd win. Woo!" 

He laughed softly and clapped his hands with the ball held under his arm slightly. "Congratulations. You win. Are you going to stop praising yourself now or what?" 

I shook my head and continued my whisper yelling. "Never because I am the winner. You are the loser. I am awesome," I cleared my throat softly and coughed before smiling again, "Okay, now I'm done. What are we gonna do now?" 

He raised an eyebrow and laughed. "We could always have that dance now? I mean, I think the thing is finished already and there's no music but I'm sure it won't matter." 

I folded my arms over my chest and smiled. "Alright, then. But can I just ask you something before we start?" 

He nodded slightly and started towards me slowly. "What is it?"

"Well, I was just wondering if...maybe, you'd be willing to do something for me? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm just asking if you are willing to though."

"What would I have to do?"

"I was thinking that, maybe you might want to, possibly go to the beach later. I mean, you don't have to; it's just that...I go there to think sometimes and I was wondering if maybe you would want to join me. You don't have to, of course, only if you want to," he watched me silently for a few seconds before giving a small shrug.

"And how long are you planning on staying there?"

I shrugged slightly and hugged myself, "I don't know. As long as I can, I guess. So...your answer is?"

He laughed softly, "If I do go with you, what would...what would we do there?"

I smiled slightly and laughed, "Well, I guess that's up to you now, isn't it? Normally I would just sit on the beach and listen to music or sometimes I go for a swim if it's hot enough but I guess, this time what we do there is up to you."

He raised an eyebrow and came to stand directly in front of me, "You mean to tell me that you're willing to let me choose what we do while down there? Why?"

"Well, if you don't want to then I guess we could do what I want."

"Could I choose to do anything?"

I nodded slightly and laughed, "Yep. It could be anything you want, to a point."

"And where would that be?"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess there's only one way to find out, aye?"

Reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, he smiled slightly, "I guess so. We gonna dance now or play the game?"

"Which one do you want first? I'm pretty sure I'd prefer not to dance with a sweaty shirtless guy though, so just keep that in mind." 

He laughed softly and ran his hands over my arms slowly. "With that in mind, I say we play the game first because I'm pretty sure it would be a little too late to play after the dance. I'm saying that as a warning because if we do have that dance now, I can't say what'll happen afterwards."

"Oh really? I just said I didn't want to dance with a sweaty guy with no shirt."

"I know but which one do you really want; sweaty shirtless guy or no game at all?" 

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