Chapter Twenty Six - Steven

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"Okay, I'm only gonna ask this once so you'd better answer. How'd you do it? How'd you fix her?" I shook my head and laughed as Lincoln fell into step beside me on one side while Malcolm flanked the other.

"She wasn't broken, Lincoln."

Malcolm laughed as Lincoln replied, "yes she was, Steven. She's been broken for a long time before you came here and instead of getting better, she buried it in the dirt and left it alone. But then you brought it back up to the surface and she crumbled," I shook my head and frowned.

"Okay, when you put it like that, you make me sound like I'm the one who actually broke her physically. Which, I didn't."

"Maybe but you sure did break her emotionally. Can't deny that," I blew out a long breath and shook my head slightly.

"I made a mistake, Lincoln. Surely you've made mistakes before that have hurt Lily. You can't tell me that you've been perfect," he gave a small shrug and laughed softly.

"I've made plenty of mistakes, Steven. Ones that I admit have hurt Lily, but the thing I have with Lily is, if I accidentally hurt her with my actions then I do everything in my power to make it right again. If she does something to hurt me, then she tries to make it up to me by doing certain things. One time I even apologised over the PA system and another, I filled her entire locker with her favourite flowers because she ignored me for almost three whole days. Other times, I just did little things to show her I care. Worked most times too, but if it didn't I'd just corner her somewhere and try and get her to talk to me about what I did wrong. It was difficult as hell sometimes but easy for others," Malcolm laughed as Lincoln stared into space dreamily.

"He's completely smitten for Lily, if you haven't noticed. Although, I doubt everyone hasn't by the way they are together," he laughed softly and glanced at Lincoln.

I was just about to say something when Lincoln bet me to it, "you have no idea how right you are, my friend."

"I'm surprised that you can even talk about things like that and not get laughed at because of it."

"Hey, I'm a sensitive guy when it comes to certain things but I also stand up for what I believe in. Besides, the last time someone laughed about what I felt for Lily, they got a blood nose and pretty hefty bruise," I raised a brow and smiled.

"You actually beat someone up because of that?" he shook his head and laughed.

"Nope. Lily did after he called her a one-night stand to her face. Boy, he was sorry afterwards. Even apologised to her the next day because she stormed off after hitting him and calling him an asshole in front of everyone sitting on the bleachers during Phys Ed," we all laughed as Lincoln blushed a light pink and smiled shyly.

"You still haven't answered our question, Mills. How'd you fix it with Mika? We want to know," I shook my head and laughed softly.

"Fine. She came over to my place and we talked, that's it," they both shared a glance before bursting into peals of hysterical laughter, causing students to look as they passed by.

"You just talked? You did nothing else?" I nodded slightly and smiled.

"She played my guitar after talking but then my uncle came home and she left a little while later."

"She played your guitar, aye?" I looked at Malcolm head on as they both laughed quietly.

"Yeah. My actual guitar. Normally I'd never even let anyone touch it but she asked, so I let her. Nothing else happened, okay. Can you both just get your minds out of the gutter and shut up already?" they both shook their heads in unison until I cleared my throat softly and nodded in the direction of Lily as she came bounding towards Lincoln with a smile.

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