Chapter Twenty Eight - Mika

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By the time lunch came around, I was dying to see Steven in the music room but as soon as I walked through the door, I could tell something was off by the way he was sitting like a statue on the couch with his elbows resting casually on his knees while he laced his fingers together in front of him as he stared at the floor but looked up when I shut the door behind me slowly.

I dropped my bag by the door and casually moved to sit behind the piano with a frown.

"Is something wrong?" he jumped up from the couch and moved to the middle of the room while glaring.

"What's your problem, Mika? Why'd you do it?" I shook my head and frowned as my anger from this morning started to rise again.

"What are you talking about? What is it this time that you think I did?"

He balled his hands into fists and started pacing in the middle of the room while fuming, "I saw you, Mika. I saw the way you were with Riley this morning and when you kissed him. So, I'm more than annoyed, okay. More, like, I'm pissed over what you did, okay. Why'd you do it? Did I do something wrong for you to think that kissing Riley wouldn't matter because I can tell you now that it does matter. Everything matters," he spun around to face me and glared. I stood up and moved to stand directly in front of him.

"Let's get something straight, alright. I did not kiss him, he kissed me. And if you actually waited until the end, you would have known that I made a pretty big bruise on his jaw before heading to class, okay. So, don't even start with that shit when you did the exact same thing to me and if I remember correctly, you didn't push her away or stop it," I folded my arms over my chest and matched his glare.

"I pushed her away and left straight after you ran out, okay. Don't even play the getting even game with me because it won't work in doing anything except piss me off, understood. No one should be kissing you anywhere except me, okay and if they continue with it then I will not be doing anything of the sort again. Don't even think of turning any of this back onto me because it will not work," I took a step back in shock as he moved in until he was right in front of my face. I quickly recovered and pushed him back a step.

"Are you seriously trying to blackmail me? Because if you are, then I'll tell you now that you'd better choose your next words very carefully if I were you. I do not take kindly to being blackmailed." 

He barked a forced laugh and frowned. "I don't care what you take kindly to, Mika. I'm doing what you should have done last time, okay instead of running away and deciding to never talk to me again. I'm not going to just walk away and turn my back on you without answers. I don't want to give this up, alright. I won't do it. And I won't let you do it, either. Whether you like it or not, we're going to sort this thing out today, okay. It's not healthy to seethe over things like this overnight. So get over your little mood and stop with the threats," he got right up in my face as I stood there and watched. I'd never seen him this angry before. To be honest, it was kinda hot.

Stop, Mika! This is not the time to think like that!

"I don't have a mood, okay and for your information, I only ran because if I didn't, you probably wouldn't be standing here right now and having a go at me, let alone breathing considering how pissed and hurt I was after seeing you making out some random girl in the back corner, all while I was up on stage, mind you. I wanted to go over there and hurt you for what you did to me, so badly that I was on the verge of killing those idiots behind the place for whistling at me, okay. I wanted to try and talk but every bloody time that I saw you, whether at school or your balcony, sometimes even down the street, that same anger I felt that night came back and overloaded everything. So whether you like it or not, Steven, I ran away because I didn't think that people would've appreciated me putting you in the ground with your parents," I quickly shut my mouth and inhaled sharply as he seemed to pale slightly before his eyes burned bright with fury. "I didn't mean to say that, okay. I just meant that...I just meant to say that...I swear I didn't mean to say that, it just slipped out and I'm sorry, okay. Don't overreact about this," he barked out a dreadful laugh as he slowly backed me against the wall.

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