Chapter Three - Steven

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When I got back to my room, I grabbed a pen, paper and my acoustic guitar. I would play the electric but it's pretty late and I don't want Uncle Henry to get in trouble because it's too noisy. So, I decided to go along with the acoustic tonight but I'll probably just change it to the electric tomorrow during lunch in the music room or when I get home. It doesn't really matter when, I just want to write this song and be done with it. When I get inspiration for a song I have to work on it soon or it goes away but somehow, I don't think it will be the case this time because no matter how hard I try to forget the way Mika smiled or the way her body felt against mine when I sat next to her. I picked up the guitar and headed over to my bed and sat on the edge with the pen and paper next to me. My mind was spinning with all kinds of thoughts, good ones and very good ones that I am ashamed for thinking that way about Mika when I don't even know her. But that would change sooner or later because I will get to know her even if it takes me all year to do so. When I was talking to Caitlyn at the dinner table, all she could talk about was herself and she would occasionally ask me questions about myself and why I moved but other than that, it was all about her. I don't really like people who do that, I mean why do they need me to know everything about them but want to know nothing about me, I don't get it, well I do but I don't understand it.

I played for most of the night until Uncle Henry came in and told me to go to sleep because I've got school tomorrow and I didn't want to be late. Well I couldn't of cared less if I was late or not but if I was late I wouldn't be able to see Mika, which convinced me to stop playing and go to sleep. I changed into my pyjamas and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I stood in the centre of the music room for a minute with an acoustic guitar in my hand, before grabbing the paper with my song out of my bag, placing it on a stand from the corner of the room in front of me. I played the song over and over until I thought it was done but I knew it wasn't because it felt like it was missing something but I couldn't figure out what it was. I've written plenty of songs but writing this particular one is hard and I don't know why, I can usually write a complete song by the end of the day, but it's taking an extra long time to write this one. I played the song again one more time as the bell for the end of the day went. I gave up on completing it today so I stuffed the paper back in my bag and put the stand in the corner with the others. The door opened as I grabbed my bag and Mika walked in. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here," Mika went to leave but I stopped her before she could.

"No, it's fine. I was just leaving anyway," I couldn't help but be curious about why she was here. Mika looked at me but then quickly looked away. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I...Um...I come here to sort out the instruments and clean...and stuff. I guess I could come back later," she stepped back and out the door, closing it behind her. I put the guitar back on the rack before leaving with my bag slung over my shoulder.

Once I was home, I picked up my electric guitar and went over to my bed, plugging in the amp as I went. I sat on my bed and started playing without thinking about what I was playing or caring because all I could think about is why Mika would be in the music room after school. I thought about this for a while until Uncle Henry knocked on my door indicating that dinner was ready, I looked outside and was surprised to find it already dark with the stars out shining brightly as always. I couldn't help but look over towards Mika's balcony which was in complete darkness, that didn't surprise me much because it was only last night that I saw her and even then, I didn't actually know that it was her, all I saw was someone on the balcony leaning over the railing which also didn't surprise me one bit. People in Florida are always doing crazy things, I just guessed that they were doing something stupid but I didn't know that they were looking into my room when I changed my shirt while getting ready to go to dinner. When Uncle Henry told me about going to dinner with the vice principal, I thought it was going to be an extremely awkward night for me because I didn't want to know where he lived or who his family were but I am glad that I do now because I never would have guessed that Mika was one of his daughters or that the other one was so popular or a cheerleader. Normally the popular kids hate the vice principal because they always got them into trouble but I'm guessing that's not the case at this school for most students. I put down my guitar and walked downstairs quickly. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Uncle Henry plating up the food and setting everything on the table. I sat down in a chair after I grabbed a coke from the fridge, I already finished the one I took up into my room. "So, what did you do today?" Uncle Henry sat down and passed me my plate; the forks and knives were already on the table.

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