Chapter Two - Mika

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"Mika, you have got to tell me everything, please." Keira sat on my bed, bouncing around like a child hyped up on sugar. "C'mon please, I know you like Steven, I saw it in your eyes when he walked up to you after class and the disappointment when he didn't show up during lunch. Please, we have got to talk about this," Keira has been talking non-stop since we got to my room, bouncing on my bed like it's a trampoline, whenever she's excited, my bed always ends up as a giant heap on the floor waiting to be transformed into a bed again.

"Keira, there is absolutely nothing to tell you because I've only just met him. So, let's just drop it," I didn't bother hiding the frustration in my voice because Keira would just figure it out anyway.

"Fine but just so you know, I'm going to get it out of you." Keira stopped bouncing and knelt on my bed, placed the back of her hand on her forehead and fell backwards as she gasped, "even if it kills me."

"Okay then, how about you stop making a mess of my bed and let's get to work on what we're going to do for Friday and Saturday. We've got a lot to do and I don't think we can just wing it this time. The band wasn't very happy when I told them that we only have a few hours to practice and get down two new songs last time, remember?" I moved across the room and sat on the bed as she sat up.

"Alright, we can get to work now. Have you written any more songs since last time? If you haven't we can either use one of the previous songs that you have already written or we can write a new song in the music room tomorrow during lunch. I have a free period after lunch so we can do it then if your free as well," the perky blonde stopped bouncing and sat next to me while she played with a strand of her long wavy hair.

"I've written a couple but you'll have to sing while I put the music to the words. We can use the guitar for the one I want to work on tomorrow because if we use the piano for that one, it will sound really weird and make no sense," I turned to look at Keira, only to find that she was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Are you crazy, I sound a dying cat when I sing and you know it. Can't I just watch while you play? I will be the audience cheering you on and of course I'll put my input in as you go," she didn't look away.

"Fine, but you'll have to at least sing a little with me. Don't worry, nobody will know unless someone comes in while we're there but I highly doubt that because everyone will either be eating lunch or in class. The only ones that can catch us are some of the teachers but they probably won't bother us. So you'll be fine, okay," I took Keira's hand and gave it a little squeeze without removing my gaze. "You'll be fine and once the song is finished, it will all have been for a very important reason, just think of it as being up on stage rehearsing a play," I gave Keira a quick hug before I got up and walked out on to the balcony. I heard Keira behind me as she moved out on to the balcony to stand next to me as I lifted my head towards the sky. In the distance Keira and I heard the new neighbour playing the guitar, "Who is that? They're really good but not as good as you," Keira turned to face me but I was already looking at the new neighbours' house.

"Thanks. I don't know. All I know is that they moved here just over a week ago. I've never seen them but all I know is that the one playing the guitar is a boy. Sometimes I can see into the kitchen window when the lights are on and it's dark, from the egg chair. If you lean against the railing at the far end you can probably see who's playing the guitar but I wouldn't recommend that because if my parents found out they would go nuts," I turned to face Keira but she was already leaning against the railing. I walked over and grabbed her arm as she leaned over further. All of a sudden she jumped back and knocked into me, sending me stumbling backwards against the egg chair.

'Ow, what did you do that for?" I looked at Keira, who I realised had a wide grin plastered across her face. "What did you see Keira, and why are you looking at me like that?" I stepped towards her as she burst out laughing a high-pitched laugh that only happens when she knows something I don't. "Seriously Keira, who did you see and stop laughing like that, your freaking me out," Keira laughed harder as she doubled over putting her hands on her knees. I walked over to the balcony where she was leaning over a couple of minutes beforehand, as she stopped laughing and grabbed my arm as I leaned over further trying to see what she saw. My jaw dropped as I realized what Keira was laughing about, who she saw playing the guitar. I backed up and turned around to face Keira, who was laughing again, she looked up at me from where she sat on the ground laughing hysterically. I'm in shock, he's still playing right now so he can't hear Keira's Hyena laugh.

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