Chapter Thirteen - Mika

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"What did you write about in that song?" I handed her the book and walked inside as Keira silently followed me and closed the door behind her. I walked into the kitchen and towards the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, a can of coke and the leftover pizza from last night's dinner before leaving the kitchen and heading up the stairs to my bedroom. I placed the food and drinks on my desk before walking over to my bed and falling face down into the pillows. "This is really good by the way? If he read this, I doubt he would know it was about Steven," I grunted against the pillows but didn't move. "I think you're overreacting a smidge but who am I to talk, I've only ever been in love with one guy my entire life and I've never wrote a song about him," I rolled over and looked at Keira as she sat down next to me on my bed.

"I know but let's look at the bright side, oh wait, there isn't one."

"You're so gloomy sometimes, you know that."

"He read my book Keira, I don't want things to be weird between us but I can't help but think that I've ruined everything because of my stupid feelings," I rolled over again and screamed into the pillows as Keira rubbed my back gently.

"You feel more than you let on don't you?" I nodded into the pillow. "How much do you feel for him?"

"I don't know but I've never felt this way. When we were in the music room on the couch, it dawned on me that I feel more for him then he probably does for me and when I realised what it would mean, I just couldn't handle it anymore so I left. I practically ran down the corridor away from him."



"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. What if he thinks he did something wrong?"

"Just tell him the truth."

"How? He'll think that I'm some kind of love sick puppy and rethink telling Caitlyn that he wasn't interested in her."

"Maybe you're overthinking this whole thing. What if you just take one step at a time and see where it goes?"

"If I do that then how do I not know he won't just run away?"

"You don't. But you have to trust him to do the right thing when it comes to this."

"I'm afraid, Keira."

"I know but you know that thing inside your chest that goes thump, thump, thump. Rely on that. You never know, it might be the best thing you could have done."

"I know but I won't be able to handle it if he goes to Caitlyn. All of the other times when it happened it hurt but I never felt like this before. Not even with Matt."

"I know but keep trying and have an open mind to this whole thing because you might be surprised by what you find."

"Will I? Will I really?"

"Yes. Yes really, now get up and eat some pizza," I rolled over and looked at Keira when she smiled and pointed towards the pizza on my desk.

"Thanks Keira."

"For what?"

"For keeping me together."

"In that case, you're very welcome. Only god would know what you would be like if I wasn't around to keep you from doing things that you would regret or maybe you'd be one of those Goth type of girls that gets into fights all of the time with the popular girls. That would be so fun to see but not if you hated me because that would be bad. If that was the case, I'd probably get my ass kicked a lot."

"Yes, indeed it would and most likely."

"So what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know. Lie here and eat pizza, I guess? What do you wanna do?" she smiled suggestively as I stared up at her with a confused look until it suddenly hit me what she was hinting at. I shook my head and frowned.

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