Chapter Twenty Nine - Mika

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"Why, Keira? Just tell me why you did it?" I frowned in confusion as I rounded the corner to see Max and Keira fighting in the corridor. Keira looked really annoyed and Max seemed angry.

What happened this time?

"I already told you why, Max. You just refuse to actually listen," he blew out a frustrated breath while she folded her arms over her chest and looked the other way. Tapping her sneakered foot impatiently on the floor.

"I am listening. You just won't tell me why you decided to hug him for such a long time. Just explain to me why you felt it necessary to hug him and I'll drop this whole thing right now," he splayed out his fingers in front of him and frowned. She dropped her arms and frowned slightly.

"What are you two arguing about now? And who did Keira hug for a long time? It wasn't Patrick again, was it because I really don't want to have to restrain Max again until he calms down," she laughed softly and shook her head as Max answered in an angry and sarcastic tone.

"This isn't about Patrick, okay. Keira went to talk to Steven by his locker to find out why he's such an asshole but then, less than 10 minutes later; she's got her arms around him down the hall. The whole time, I've been standing here, while they get real close," she gave a small shrug and looked at me as I tensed at the mention of his name.

"Why'd you hug him? You know what he did yesterday." I shook my head and frowned.

"I've told you this already, Max. I confronted him at his locker, he asked if I even knew what happened and then to leave him alone before walking away. I got mad and stopped him a little way down the hall, I asked him if, no wait, I told him that I knew everything about what happened and then he went on and started telling me why he went off at Mika and said those things. He got upset at the mention of his parents and best friend, I felt sorry for him and hugged him because he was upset and looked like he needed one, okay. Then I told him that I'm not even going to pretend to know what it feels like to lose my entire family and told him that I know a lot about messing things up. He thanked me, so I'm guessing I made him feel a little better, then he asked a few questions and I answered them as best as I could, after that he left and I came over to try and calm down this sour-puss over here. If you didn't want me to comfort people when they're sad then you shouldn't have been so nice to me growing up. I'm sorry if what I did was wrong, okay but I just don't like seeing people upset and not able to do anything knowing I could at least try and make them feel better. That's just who I am. Besides, it always worked for you when we were growing up. I strictly remember how I would always comfort you when you were upset, even though I had a boyfriend at the time. Never seemed to bother you then." 

He blew out an angry breath and frowned. "You know what, fine. Go ahead and 'comfort' whoever you like, I'm going back to class," he quickly spun around but didn't get more than a few steps away when Keira spun around and quickly jumped in front of him while holding his arms tightly.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay. I won't hug anyone else when they're sad if you don't want me to. Just stick to talking instead, alright. No more physical contact, promise. Please don't be mad. I don't like it when you're mad at me." 

I watched them both silently and leaned against the wall with a smile.

He let out a quick breath and shook his head slightly, "I'm not asking you to do that, okay. And I'm not mad, I just don't like how you just decided to jump into your best friends ex's arms. But what really peeves me off is that I had to stand here and watch you do it, okay."

"I...I understand and I'm sorry. I guess I just didn't see it that way. I wasn't thinking, I just didn't know what else to do. He was so upset and I just wanted to try and cheer him up a bit, you know. I'll just stop trying, okay. I've gotta get back to practice so I'll see you both later," she slowly spun on her heel and stood up tall before heading in the direction of the gym. I pushed off the wall and moved to stand beside Max while he watched her go.

"I just messed up somehow, didn't I? I don't get how she just doesn't see the big problem here," he glanced at me and frowned, "You should be mad too, you know. It was your ex-boyfriend she had her arms around," I gave a small shrug and smiled.

"That's where you're wrong, Max. I'm not mad or anything because I know that it's second nature for Keira to try and help in every way she can think of. Even if that means hugging an ex to try and cheer them up. You shouldn't be mad at Keira for doing what she's grown up to do, if anything, you should be mad at me. I'm the one who caused his little rant yesterday and killed all of this. I was the one who accidentally mentioned his parents and made him angry and I was also the one who Riley decided to kiss while he was in the corridor that morning. Go get her back and apologise, we both know you'll regret it if you don't. Now, go! Before she gets to the gym, we all know that she'll suffer dearly if practice is interrupted because of her. Go!" I smiled and blew out a long breath when he called out her name loudly through the corridor, causing her to stop and turn back around to see Max quickly running towards her. I stood back and smiled as he stopped directly in front of her and started talking hurriedly while she listened for a few seconds before reaching up and placing her hand over his mouth with a smile. I couldn't hear a word that was being said but a few seconds after she removed her hand, he grabbed her around the waist tightly and pulled her against his chest before bringing her lips to his in a passionate and long kiss.

A really long kiss.

I blew out a long breath and walked over to join them just as they pulled apart and smiled. I cleared my throat loudly and smiled, "If you two are quite done making up-and out-in the corridor, then I suggest we head back to class before we get detention." They both ignored me completely as they started talking in quiet voices amongst the occasional giggle from Keira. "You know what, I'm just gonna meet you both at lunch, okay. I'm heading back to class," I shook my head and spun on my heel before quickly heading the way I came.

I'm happy for them and all but sometimes, the fact that they're together now really annoys me at times like this. God help us all if there's a fire while they're in the middle of whatever that was back there. 

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