Chapter Four - Mika

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"Keira, are you ready to go?" I saw Keira standing on the stage with Max. They stopped talking as I walked towards them slowly. Standing there, Max turned to me with a nervous look.

"Yeah, almost. Do you wanna grab some dinner before heading home or just wait and have what ever your parents have made?" Keira turned to look at me as she smiled shyly.

"We can stop for some food before heading back to mine, they had three bean casserole tonight and you'll probably hate it because it has broad beans, green beans and kidney beans in it with mince and other stuff as well but I'm not going to tell you the entire recipe."

"Yuck, that's gross. Okay, well then, let's get moving."

"Great," Keira and I turned and walked off stage after saying goodbye to Max. Walking to the car didn't take long but I wanted to know what that was all about.

"So what were you and Max talking about back there? He looked pretty nervous about what ever you guys were talking about," I smiled and opened the passenger door.

"Oh, nothing really. I just agreed to go out with him on a date next weekend, no big deal," Keira opened the drivers' door and climbed in.

"Huh, took him long enough," I climbed in and shut the door, looking at Keira when she froze.

"What do you mean 'took him long enough'?" she looked at me surprised.

"Well, it was pretty obvious that he liked you. I mean, come on, haven't you noticed all of the times that whenever you were around he would always smile and laugh with you. How he always agreed with you even on things that were stupid."

"I guess I never really paid attention to him like that. Hmm. He is cute. He might be Lincoln's twin but he's completely different, have you seen him shirtless? I mean, if I didn't think of him that way then, I am now," Keira laughed quietly and smiled.

"Okay then, so you're serious about this? I mean, I love the fact that you're going on a date with him but I just don't want it to do any damage to what you guys have already."

"I am and I know, that's why I'm going to try really hard this time and if he likes me the way that you're implying then I guess it wouldn't be that bad. We've been friends with Max for years and I'm pretty sure he knows everything about me, not as much as you but enough to know what I like. Anyway can we stop talking about this for now and go get some food, I'm starving. Pizza or tacos?" She started the car and eased out of the parking lot.


"Cool, then, let's go stuff our faces with the best pizza in town, shall we," Keira winked at me when I laughed.

"So anything happen between you and Steven yet?" Keira smiled as she looked at me from across the table. I finished my slice of pizza and picked up another.

"Nope because I have too many secrets and why would someone like him, like someone like me anyway. Plus he's already met Caitlyn and whoever meets her first instantly forgets about me, haven't you learnt that already."

"You seriously need to stop because even I can see that he likes you more than he does Caitlyn. I'm quite surprised by that," taking a bite of her pizza, she smiled again.

"Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. It really doesn't matter because he'll just use me like the rest and remember what I said will happen if I get played again?" I flashed my evil smile when she laughed.

"I remember but what if he genuinely likes you and he actually wants you for you and not for your connections, which is quite silly by the way to say that."

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