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After her fight with Johnny, Noel hadn't spoken to him in 2 weeks and he hadn't reach out to her not even for the girls. She felt stressed having to pay Rita over time for her babysitting the girls on the days Johnny was supposed to have them. Pulling up in front of her apartment complex she noticed a bunch of people gathered in a circle. Some holding cameras and some screaming "We want Freddie! We want Freddie!" pushing her way through the crowd Noel asked a woman who was chanting with the rest of the crowd "...excuse me? what's going on?" Noel asked. "Didn't you hear? Someone saw Freddie Mercury enter the building and he hasn't come out yet!" feeling her stomach twist Noel rushed inside.

Pressing the elevator buttons frantically she felt like it took forever to get to her floor. Opening her door she scanned the room "Rita?! did Freddie stop by? there's a huge crowd outs-..." freezing in mid sentence Noel's jaw dropped. "Oh look girls your mom is home!" spoke Freddie as Rose and Karen ran up to their mother. "Mommy mommy look who's here! he says he's a rock star!" the sweet excitement in Rose's voice filled the room. "Hi sweetheart...yes this is my friend Freddie..." Noel placed her purse on the kitchen table Freddie was sitting at. Rita refilled his cup with tea for him "thank you dear" he said taking a small sip. "Freddie what are you doing here?"

"Well hello to you too darling" he said standing up placing a kiss on Noel's cheek. "Ewww" screamed out Rose and little Karen as they giggled. "Um let's talk in the other room..." taking Freddie into her bedroom and shutting the door. "Dear as much as I love fucking you I don't think we should do it with the children right outside your door..." pulling her in for a deep kiss Noel broke their embrace. "About that Freddie...um you really should of told me you were coming by..." with furrowed eyebrows Freddie scratched his head "...I wanted to surprise you"

Although she was a bit upset Noel couldn't help but feel happiness, that was the thing with Freddie he knew how to relax her without even trying. "I know baby and I'm so happy to see you but Freddie...I have childr-" cutting her off he spoke up "children Noel! yes I know...why do I get the feeling that you keep using them as an excuse so you don't have to get closer to me?" With his eyes burning into her he waited for her response. "That's not true! It's just well...I would have rather introduced you to them myself but you just show up knowing I'm not home and..." taking a deep breath Noel hung her head down. This was her first serious relationship since Johnny and it was hard for her to open up after years of infidelity and trust issues. "...you just have to understand I can't involve my children with my personal affairs.."

Insulted by her Freddie pulled a key from his pocket and placed it on Noel's end table. "I came here today to show you this..." he said pointing at the key "...I understand that you have a life here and in order for us to be together the way I want us to be I decided to get a place here in New York...I thought I'd come over today and tell you...I didn't know the girls would be here, you told me their father has them on Monday's" not even knowing what day it was anyways Noel realized Freddie was right. Picking up the key and putting it back into his pocket he walked over to the door, with his hand on the knob "...you know I don't just relocate for anybody Noel...now I'm not so sure if it was a good idea..." closing the door behind him. Noel felt horrible, with the combination of her exhaustion and being overwhelmed from work she started to feel like she may have overreacted. Opening her door she found Freddie making a phone call.

"...yes apartment 39...just knock when you're here" turning to find Noel standing behind him "oh don't worry I'll be out of your hair as soon as Terry gets here..." reaching for Freddie's hand he pulled away ignoring her attempt at affection. Rose ran up to Freddie with a piece of paper and a red crayon "excuse me Mr. Queen can I have your...your..."
"Autograph?" Freddie smiled and looked down at the small child. "Yes yes yes!" she said jumping up and down, signing the paper he handed it back to her. "There you are sweetheart!"

A knock was heard at the door "well my chariot awaits...goodbye kids, goodbye Rita...thank you for the tea darling it was lovely..." turning to Noel he simply stared at her with disappointment in his eyes. Without saying goodbye to her he simply shook his head and left. Noel stood there feeling lost and empty.


Freddie's condo

"I never felt so humiliated in my life..." said Freddie as he drank his vodka tonic. "Ay mate...sounds dreadful" said Roger on his 3rd beer. "I mean how dare she treat me like I'm some...some tart!" Roger was helping Freddie settle in although he wasn't much of a help it made Freddie feel good to have his company. "I just thought it was different this time..." taking out a cigarette and lighting it he offered one to Roger and lit his for him as well. "You know what...to hell with it! let's go get shit faced tonight!" said Freddie "sounds like a good idea to me!" said the sex crazed blonde. Looking out of the window of his 12th floor condo Freddie couldn't escape his feelings. Slamming back another drink he felt the burn run from his throat down to his stomach hoping it would numb him.

 Slamming back another drink he felt the burn run from his throat down to his stomach hoping it would numb him

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Entering inside of a secluded club Roger and Freddie looked around feasting their eyes on the eye candy. Quickly finding his choice of the night Roger made his way to a beautiful dark haired woman with a friendly smile. "Hello I'm Roger and this is Freddie" he said to her, holding out her hand to shake both of theirs she replied back "Hi I'm Dominique!" the rest was history that night for them. Freddie found himself at the bar drinking away his thoughts.

"I'll have another..." he said as he handed his 4th empty glass to the bartender. A tall lean man sat beside him, barely noticing him Freddie took a sip from his drink. "Hi...I haven't seen you here before" said the man. "Hello...yes I guess you can say I'm a newbie" looking him up and down the man placed a hand on Freddie's knee. "What do you say we get out of here?"

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