How much?

554 31 18


It'd been a week since Noel heard from Freddie, he left last Monday with no words really said and quick peck on the cheek. Has he lost interest? Noel thought to herself. "Mommy! the mail came" called out a sweet little Rose as she skipped up to her mother carrying Noel's mail. "Thank you sweety!" skipping through bills,bills, and more bills Noel's monthly subscription to Queen's fan club came in. A magazine that updated fans about their idols lives and what the band were up to.

Hesitant to open it up due to her new closeness with the frontman she almost tossed it aside when she noticed Freddie on the cover with a blonde woman hand in hand. "Freddie's common law wife" read the headline. Rolling her eyes Noel couldn't help but skim through the pages more photos of Freddie and the blonde were inside with quote on quote remarks by Freddie himself "All my lovers ask why they can't replace Mary..."

Mary Austin..."why does that name sound so familiar?" Noel whispered to herself. Realizing she had to be at work in an hour she tossed the magazine in the trash and tried to have a positive mindset despite Freddie's failure to tell her about his "wife". Rita entered as Noel finished putting on her uniform and tying her hair back in a braid. Kissing the girls goodbye she made her way out into the busy New York streets and waved around for a cab.

Time felt like it was going by slow and business was even slower. Yawning and trying her best to stay awake Noel poured herself a cup of coffee hoping to wake herself up a bit. With her back turned from the counter Noel felt a light tap on her shoulder. Turning around she looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Hello darling" spoke a quiet Freddie who had on his aviators and stood beside his bodyguard. The men knew how to blend in Freddie actually enjoyed his time in New York he got less hassle from paparazzi than he did back in London. "Oh..Hi" spoke Noel through a yawn, "well...try not to show too much enthusiasm" said Freddie as he sat down at the counter.

"So what can I get you?!" she asked picking up her little notepad. "That depends...are you on the menu?" said Freddie with a smirk. As much as Noel wanted to jump his bones right then and there she was still upset about her new findings with Freddie's personal life. "No...but I think Mary is" she said in a sarcastic tone. Freddie's eyes widened and took a dark cast over them "someone's been doing their research" said Freddie looking at his bodyguard. Not amused Noel rolled her eyes "so you're not getting anything?!" she asked again this time with body language that shown her frustration.

"Noel...we can talk about it if you want dear" with a soft tone and a warm smile Freddie's charm was irresistible. With a sigh and another roll of the eyes Noel accepted his offer "okay...but only talking that's it!" chuckling to himself Freddie wrote on a napkin the hotel he was staying at and the room number. Folding it up and slipping it in her apron for her he stood and leaned over the counter to kiss Noel on the forehead. "See you tonight then..." and just like that Freddie walked out with his bodyguard following behind him. Noel watched them until she could no longer see them. Frozen in time Noel was scared by how much she was falling for Freddie. This was more than a school girl crush, now that she was starting to see the human side of Freddie more and more she knew that once she allowed herself to dive into the deep end...there would be no returning to the surface.

After getting home from work and asking if Rita could stay the night so Noel could "spend a night on the town" Rita giggled and accepted. "Sure...okay" she said with a gentle pat on the side of Noel's face. Rita was an older women she was sweet and kind and came from a Cherokee background, her beliefs and morals were very old school and she adored Noel's hard work and lust for life. She knew it was Freddie Mercury she was seeing and she thought it was sweet that Noel was in denial about it. "Okay so I left a number of the hotel...I mean umm place I'll be me if anything goes wrong" hugging Rita goodbye she grabbed her house keys and slowly shut the door before she could close it all the way Rita called out "Tell Freddie I said hello!" with a pause and giggle to herself Noel didn't respond she just kept quiet and shut the door. What would I do without that Rita she smiled and thought to herself.

Pulling up in a cab to the hotel Freddie wrote down on the napkin Noel approached the clerk. "Hi I'm looking for a...Alfred Mason" she almost couldn't say the name without laughing knowing it was complete nonsense, she couldn't help but wonder why Freddie chose this secret name. "Oh ok wait a moment I'll ring the room" the clerk became a bit rude and stiff towards Noel when she realize who she was here to see, turning her back to Noel she whispered into the phone. "Yes...she says she's here to see him...what should I tell her..." pretending she wasn't eavesdropping Noel looked down at her feet as the clerk turned back around "Mr.Merc- I mean Alfred Mason isn't at his room right can try again tomorrow" said the clerk with a shrug of her shoulders. Noel felt her feelings crumble, why would Freddie ask her to see him if he wasn't going to be around? Not accepting that she may have been stood up Noel sat down in the lobby as she was unsure of what move to make next. She felt foolish to return home so soon, especially after asking Rita to stay with the girls and confirming who she was seeing. She didn't want to seem like another groupie to Freddie. Picking up a book off the coffee table infront of her Noel looked up from it and noticed the clerk staring at her. Throwing her hands up in the air as if she was asking what she was looking at the clerk simply turned her head and looked away.

"Noel...Noel honey...wake up" waking up to a blurry vision of Freddie Noel rubbed her eyes and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. "Oh no I must of fallen asleep..." laughing to himself Freddie helped her stand up as she was wearing some very sexy high heels. "Come on dear, let's get you up to my where you belong..." with a smack to his chest Noel shook her head. "I shouldn't be going anywhere with you for making me wait...I don't wait for nobody Freddie not even you!" she said with a hard poke to Freddie's chest. "Darling save the roughness for later" taking her hand Freddie guided Noel to the elevators. The envious clerk watched them as they walked by glancing over her shoulder Noel gave a wink.

"Here we are..." said Freddie pulling out his keys from his trouser pockets. A condom fell out with it, picking it up and holding it up to his face "really Freddie? Is this what you were so busy doing?!" Noel threw it at him and started speed walking back down the hall. Running after her Freddie grabbed her by the arm "Noel please stop running from me...I know what it looks like but please let me explain how will we ever make it anywhere if you won't even allow us to have a real conversation?" The look in his eyes seemed sincere but the facts were proving Freddie to be the promiscuous sex God that the tabloids always claimed him to be. "10 minutes Mercury that's it..." Freddie sighed as they walked back to his room yet again.

"Start talking mister..." said Noel as she sat on a cream colored sofa legs crossed and with a stern look on her face. Her seriousness turned Freddie on but he stayed serious for a moment because he wanted her approval. "Okay well about tonight...I was catching up with some American friends of mine and I lost track of time..." with a fake yawn Noel wasn't buying it "" she said while waiting for Freddie's next attempt. " for Mary...yes it's true she's an important part of my life...and she always will be but she's a friend...nothing more nothing less..." with a raised eyebrow Noel spoke "and just how many of your friends do you refer to as your wife..." Freddie poured two drinks for them and sat beside Noel handing her hers. "Okay you got me...yes I may have asked her to marry me but darling that was centuries ago we've both had relationships since then..." forcing his drink down in one gulp Freddie placed the glass down on the table in front of them. Sipping hers Noel ran out of questions she wasn't sure if Freddie's answers were good enough. Noticing her analyzing Freddie leaned in and kissed Noel ever so passionately, as much as she wanted to pull away Noel couldn't help but allow him to continue. His mouth tasted of the vodka he just slammed back, stopping their entanglement Noel looked into his eyes. " much do I mean to you?" smiling behind his thick fluffy mustache Freddie searched for the words. "Noel you mean a lot to me...if you didn't darling...I wouldn't of kept in touch with you after all this...and you should know that from the filth you read about me seeing as you trust the words of journalists more than my own..." Noel felt a bit guilty for judging Freddie right away. She decided that there would be no more talking for the moment, right now she wanted him buried deep inside her. Without responding back with words Noel showed him with her body how much she felt for him.

Standing up off the sofa, Noel stood in front of Freddie and removed all her clothing leaving on just her heels. "My God...Noel you are a Goddess" said Freddie as he too stood up with no distance between them, he gently pulled her hair back exposing her neck. Sucking on it and biting gently, Noel felt her knees buckle as she allowed her temple to be owned by Freddie.

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