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                I won't let no one break your heart
Present time; a few hours later
Taylor Swift's Point of View
So, you know how I was saying being pregnant would be worse than labor or that mental pain is worse. THAT IS BULLSHIT. I LIED. Labor fucking hurts a lot. Not just a little it hurts so much I want to die. Fuck doing this, this sucks so much I want to die. Please kill me I can't do this anymore. God this isn't worth it. I hate sex, I'm never going to do it again. Knowing sex can result in this, I don't want to do it anymore. My pain is quickly distracted by Calliope walking in the room.

"So, how is everyone feeling?" Callie asks.


"I don't know why I asked."

"Me either!!!"

"Well, I'm going to hook up a fetal monitor to monitor the baby. This is a high risk pregnancy so I want to make sure everything is fine." She walks over to me and books some wires to my swollen stomach.

"Why did you let me be pregnant again?"

"It was your choice to keep it, Taylor." She responds with.

"I can't do this anymore, please tell me this is almost over." I ask.

"I have good and bad news. The baby is perfectly fine right now. Bad news, you're only dilated 5 cm."

"Can I just push it out now?" I beg.

"No. Just think that you're half way there."

"But it'll get worse!"

"I was in labor with my kids for 20 hours and the other, 17 hours. I've been there, it sucks but you'll get a beautiful baby."

"Fuck that. Just take it out of me!"

"You don't need a c-section and it's more dangerous then natural birth."

I begin to sob. "I can't do this anymore. It hurts too much."

"I know you can do it. The two of you have great vitals so I'm going to take off. I'll check on you later." She walks out the door and shuts it quickly. She clearly wants to get out soon as possible. I see Joe moving over and he sits on a chair close to me.

"So, are we gonna date or just be married again?" Joe asks.

"Not the time. Not the time."

"Okay. I'll just sit next to you and help you." I nod and hold onto his hand.

• • •

I don't know how I've been surviving lately. It's been 13 hours. 13 hours of excruciating pain. I was complaining a few hours ago, this pain is so much worse than before. I can't believe it's gotten worse and the contractions are longer and closer together.
A nurse walks into the room and goes up to me. "I'm gonna check on you real quick. I grasp her arm and look at her with a death stare. "Finish before I kill you."

"Is that a threat?"

"JUST DO IT!" I yell which makes her move quickly and silently. After a minute or so she comes up to me.

"Good news, you're ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Delivery. We are are going to take you to the delivery room. Are you ready?"

"Not really but I want this thing out of me."

"It's called a baby." Joe says.

"I don't care just move me."

Loved in Shades (A Jaylor Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora