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          We're gonna fly away from here
    Out of this curtained room in this hospital

June 15th 2019
2 days later
Taylor's Pov
The T.V plays Friends as I sit next to Joe. The last couple days have definitely been full of pure anxiety not knowing whether I'm okay. I lean my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me. The episode the one with the fertility test which is a sad episode and is definitely making me over emotional with the added on hormones.
My phone begins to ring so I pick it up and it's doctor Holbrook calling me. I take the remote and pause the T.V and answer the call.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Taylor, it's Doctor Holbrook and I'm here with your test results." She says.

"Okay, everything is fine right I mean, it has to be." I say with anxiety.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid this is a high risk pregnancy with a high risk of miscarriage. You have a hostile uterus which is mostly inhabitable." She tells me.

I look at the T.V where the episode of Friends was playing. I didn't think that this T.V episode would actually be me. I begin to laugh with small tears.

"Taylor?" The phone speaks.

"I'm sorry, I think I'm just in a little bit of shock. I didn't think that this would ever happen to me like it did in Friends." I say while Doctor Holbrook stays completely silent with no answer.

"I think it's smart to have check ups with me but I'm sorry Taylor." She says.

"It's fine you know the odds of me miscarrying?" I ask worried.

"From your tests, it looks like it's about 87% percent." She says. I cover my mouth and hang up the phone with no response which was quite rude but I don't care right now.

"What is it? Is it anything good?" Joe asks.

"No." I say gently.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I apparently have a hostile uterus and I'm probably going to miscarry." I say starting to sob.

"Hey, come here." Joe says walking up and wrapping his arms around me.

"It's going to be okay, right babe?"

"Of course. I promise you." He says and relief comes over my body and I begin to calm down with his comfort. I look over at the fridge which has the ultrasound picture hanging on it. It has to be okay.

A couple hours later we both go upstairs and I do my nightly routine for going to bed. I wash the red eyeshadow and black eyeliner off of my face and it smears across my face which makes a mess. I shrug and use what feels like 13 makeup remover clothes to get everything off of my face. Once that agonizing process is over, I throw on some pink pajamas that have little kitties all over them.
I finally walk into our bedroom and Joe is under the covers and scrolling through his phone. I get under the covers and look at him.

"What are you looking at?" I question.

"Baby names." He smiles.

"Okay, that's really cute. What do you have?" I say with a smile.

"I found a few. What about Harley?" He says.

"I'm not naming my child that has the same name as a DC villain!"

"But you're fine with Marvel?" Joe says. I slap his arm playfully which causes him to laugh.

"Fine, no comic villains. What about Olive?"

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