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Meeting a New

I knew,
We would surely
Meet again.
For this air between us
Is not meant
For longing.


"Wooooohoooohooooooowoooooo ..........ughhhhhhh........its so amazing!!" Taehyung screamed at the top of his lungs as you all rode on Ucarna except Jungkook, he was flying.

You were wondering how powerful was Ucarna for she was carrying too many on her back but you kept that question of yours to yourself and decided to ask Jungkook later, about it.

As you were enjoying the ride fully, on the other hand there was Aiva making weird faces for, though she liked the winds and the atmosphere of the fluffy clouds like cotton candies brushing against her cheeks tinging them pink, she didnt like the ride.

"Oh c'mon Aiva, enjoy it!" Jimin told her as he slightly hit her arm.

"No! I cant, even though I want to...." She spoke to herself, but king irony took place that Jimin actually heard her.

Then apart from there ironical gane, there was you thinking to yourself, why didn't anyone saw a pegasus flying? You decided this too to keep it to yourself for your question bank was already large enough that could break anyone's spine and you didn't want to bombard anybody with your stupid questions.

The destination was not far from Venus' home, about 1 hour afar. Your mood degraded as you wanted to enjoy even more, the precious sugar glittered clouds and the blue sky as you were really having fun, in something for the first time in your 18 years. No other wind as seen by you earlier, could melt your heart like this one did. It was indeed, fascinating. Though the air was cold.

The place you all walked to as Jungkook directed you, was an alley, the one having 'dark' as its other name. It looked mysterious. Out of the same darkness, you could see a small hole, from where a light beam pierced through, making it look like a star, just above the earth floor.

"What's that?" Jin asked as you gawked at it.

"Oh that......" Jungkook whispered and made his way to the star, above the dark dusty floor.

What he did the next moment, made you double your eyes as if they were going to pop out, anytime soon. He had enlarged the star with his bare hands. And there it was, Sewa. You could see it through the portal. You saw an outstretched green field and beyond that there was Sewa, a small town.

"Hmm so.....let's go!" And with that Jungkook entered the portal followed by Taehyung.

"Bye bye!"

"Let's go then." Jimin said, Aiva nodded and they left right after.

Your heart was pounding at its highest pace as you had this feeling crept up your neck that you might encounter something unusual even though the whole damn Sewa was too unusual but with a heavy, fast beating heart and a deep thinking mind, you entered the portal. As soon as you stepped in, you finally got the very best vision of a new and beautiful town, Sewa. It was a very small town yet so beautiful that it took place of the sugared winds in your heart.

There were dark wooden houses with hay triangulated rooftops, houses were interconnected well with a good transportation network, there surroundings being lushy green added to the vast green fields that stretched from the peripherals of the area. The sky was blue with a few white clouds floating in lonliness. Occupation would be surely agriculture as you could see small land holdings near some big houses and some sheep animals with thorny ears grazing some fields. Atmosphere was quiet just like the calm before the storm.

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