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Think. Think. Think.

That's the only option left
And that's the only option
Possible in any situation.


Hoseok's POV-

"So for that we will need guns?" Jin asked.

"What the fuck no Jin." Namjoon replied as he pouted at the actor.

All of us were still trying to come up with a foolproof plan to escape Vayna from the Tereathian's grasp, and then there was this Jin, suggesting non-sensical ideas continuously. It seemed like there we were some seven philosophers, as one of them became just the opposite of what he was supposed to be.

Too tired to even plan what would happen next, we were currently resting on the sands of Vapora and what happened earlier was that,

"Then we will need a solid plan." Namjoon said as he heard the harsh words from Jungkook.

It was certain that the war would be very serious and so we would need to have and make a whole damn foolproof plan.

"Let's make one then." Jimin said.

"Jungkook, how are we going there?" Jin asked.

"This Vapora is connected to the Wrecken river of Tereath. So, you know what I mean." Jungkook replied as he pointed at the sea.

"We are going underwater, again." Aiva said, scrunching her nose as if she was tired of going underwater.

"Yes." Jungkook said as he nodded.

"Isn't there any other way?" Jimin asked.

"Uhmm....there is one more but that also requires to go underwater and half of the journey will have you on your feet." Jungkook said.

"Oh, really. Which one?" Aiva asked cheerfully, clasping her hands together, praying for some wonderful words from Jungkook.

"That...Lumis one. Hehe." Jungkook said as he smiled sheepishly.

"I swear I will-" Aiva shouted and moved forward to punch him in the face but I held her back.

"Please, don't." I said and she pouted in anger and looked away from us.

"Which one is better?" I asked and we all looked at Jungkook except Aiva. She wasn't looking right now but was glaring at him.

"Uhm, we can choose either of the two. Both are pretty same. But I will prefer that river one. It will take us directly." He said.

"Ok then, let's go with it." I said and we all agreed as they nodded with me.

"So, first we have to find Yoongi and Vayna and then we will fight. Right?" Jin continued, "I mean yeah, that's the plan."

"Yeah, but it won't be like the earlier ones. This one will be more vulnerable because the Tereathian guards are very, very strict and you know if they came to know about some intruders, they won't leave us alone. I have heard the Tereathian law. They mostly hang the intruders to death, except those who are known by the king well." Jungkook explained as he sighed then.

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