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Missing Spaces

Missing spaces inside me
Can only be filled
With a water
Called you.


You opened your eyes, only to be greeted by the new atmosphere of a complete new world.

To your surprise, you blinked once, and nothing changed.
You blinked twice, nothing changed again.

What were you expecting again?

You asked yourself and blinked again but none changed. You did expect something different this time. But none took place. Yeah, the air around you betrayed you, so did this new place as you thought.

You immediately got up and look around at your surroundings as you first looked to you left. It was just white fluffy clouds surrounding you and the cold air brushing against your skin.

At first when you had opened your eyes and slowly had all the flashbacks of any kingdom of how it could look, you did expect for this place too to have land, castle but there were none but clouds. But it was on a green land, that you were standing at.

Then you looked to your right and saw Taehyung staring right at you which startled you.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." You said as you kept a hand on your chest as your heart and lungs pounded rapidly.

"But what are you doing here and where are the others?" You said as you couldn't see anybody on your sight.

"I dont know, let's go find out." He said, looking around.

"You didn't answer my first question." You said, forming your lips into a thin line.

"Probably looking after you dumb," He whispered as he looked at you, but you couldn't quite make out what he said.

"Did you say anything? Your lips were moving. Say it again." You said as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"Nope. I am just saying that you and I got discharged here." He chuckled at the word 'discharged', as you thought.

"Discharged?" You asked, completely confused at what he meant by 'diacharged' and he was still laughing at his own small joke.

"Yeah, you know we got here by these clouds. They 'discharged' us here." He chuckled again and, as you pulled out a disgust d face, he said, "Nevermind."

You started searching for your friends at the place where you landed at but you didn't know that it was just a green land and nothing more than that. No houses to be seen, no tree at the sight, no creature, no human.
And you might even fell off the edge as the land was steep and stood erect through the clouds but it wasn't in your knowledge and you didn't know anything.

"Hey wait!" Taheyung shouted from your back but you ignored him as you went forward upto the edge.

"I said wait!" He said as he held your arm from the back and you turned to him immediately.

"What?" You asked, frowning.

"You don't know anything about here, do you?" He asked and you were immediately sent back to your flashbacks to where an event had taken place,

"What are you doing here?" He asked and you were just swaying your body along in the confused state.

"I came to attend the party. What do you mean?" You asked him, narrowing your brows.

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