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Returning of Unseen

All I see is you
And the perfection in my eyes.
Seen or unseen, your hue
All are surpassed by this picture
As Sun rise,
That none could change,
Your this event so strange.


The next day after completing your daily's morning routine, you went to your school.

You were really excited that day because there was a basketball match in your school for the girls and the Sun was bright top, no cold winds to disturb your happiness. You always enjoyed playing basketball for it was one of the hobbies of yours, to enjoy basketball and to play it.

You reached the school and the moment your put your left leg inside the class, your moment got interrupted by Taehyung, as always.

"Hey, how ya doin girrl?!".

"None of your business boi." You replied bluntly and left his sight as you walked towards your seat and eventually, the classes started.

And after four hectic periods already, you got exhausted, as usual but the excitement of playing basketball took over you and you regained back your energy, metaphorically from the bright yellow Sun rays.

Hobbies gives energy, but only in one condition, if you have all your interest laid over it.

You went to your locker to keep in some books and then closed it and shoved the key inside your bag. After changing to your P.E uniform, you went outside to the playground.

There you were greeted by large lushy trees as the cold yet warm wind rushed through the fluttering leaves merged with the chirping of birds and the blue sky shining rays over you. The Sun was over taken by them. Under the home of such fluttering leaves, seated well grey benches which made an urge in you to sit there and wait for the others, your team members.

Just when you were about to sit, you saw a brown gem sparkling near the leg of the grey concrete bench. Even smaller than your thumb, bigger than a leaf, it glowed brightly as it reflected the light which fell over it, in different directions, one in your way.

Curiosity took over your mind and body as you reached out for the gem. You gasped slightly and admired its brightness and beauty. It looked hard and was glassy in texture but it had an effect of a chocolate over you, which melted so beautifully in one's savouring palette. It seemed as if it itself asked you to lift it up and trace it with your own fingers. It blew a smell over you, of charisma and so you decided to touch it and admire its delicacy so you leaned more to get more clear view of it.

It made you thought whether you had seen them before or not? But you hadn't as if you had seen it, your life would be far more beautiful than it was then.

When your soft fingertips came in contact with the gem, it started shining even more brightly and you felt a jolt in your body as if the gem did something to you.

Your stomach started paining and you groaned, placing your hand there. But after a few seconds it stopped. You were really surprised by then as something like that had never happened with you before, even if you had admired beautiful stones and precious gems earlier in jewel shops, as you used to steal glances at them through the glass walls that separated you from them.

They had been harmless.
And you had never seen this very gem, so precious in front of you sleeping.

You realised that the gem was in your fist. It was still glowing brightly though the color was brown but it shined, like dark chocolates would do in front of the Suns.

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