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Outside In

All things
From clouds outside,
Taken inside sea
For you.


"Why do you come over and over?"
The boy asked and the girl, till the very moment that floated just above her, thought of a relevant reply.

This was a question that was already resting well by her instincts and now it had just awoken up, once again.

Distant sea, with dimmed unhappy clouds all over their heads above, but still they acknowledged it, smiljng.


No one knew.

"My mother brings me with her everytime." The girl replied.

She lied, she was honest, the dark clouds above their heads could never make out.

"And why does she come here?" The boy asked and that was a question that was born on the day they met, of course only residing within the boy's mind.

"To do some work. I dont know. I asked her once and she told me that she comes here to meet her friend and work." She replied.

Again, she lied, she was honest, none would make out. None could.

"Oh, so do you have any friends?" The boy asked, out of blue and curiosity, quite about to mix with each other in his heart.

"No." Was the only reply in a girl's voice.

"And why do you always come here, at this place?" Was the other question that was born this day, in both of their minds.

"They are my only friends." The girl replied, pointing at something, that looked desolate yet charming but,

"Come back!"

A call came from behind and she got away from there, parting ways for the inevitable.

You woke up out of a sudden jolt as your head throbbed and out the same reflex, you held your head with your hand.

"Its hurting so much," You whispered to yourself and suddenly realized that you on a bed. You travelled your gaze around and found yourself in a room, a solitary room.

It was a house. Your mind clicked.

You were in someone's room in someone's house.

Where the hell I am?

The room was big but enough for a single person to dwell in. The walls were very light caramel color shade as the whole room evoked powerful vanilla scent, drowning you in it, bit by bit but it wasn't the right time for you to drown in.
There was a small partly transparent window frame on your left wall and a closed door on the right wall. The wall opposite to you had nothing. Not even a single table, wardrobe, picture or anything.


If there was be a word to describe the room, it would be blank. Blank could be the definition of the room and it was, yes.

There wasn't even a single bed. You were laying on a hard wooden low table top which wasn't actually even a table. It was like a few trees had been glued together, and nothing more with some rough texture, rough color.

Out of the brown, you heard some voices coming from your left, the window serving as a medium. You immediately got up and moved yourself to the window, as you took each step carefully and then you saw a matte black star crystal resting on the window stool, laying there, lifelessly.

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