Chapter Forty.

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"Well, they can't have me." I say stubbornly. Harry laughs. "It's not that easy, babe. When there's thousands of people looking to kidnap you, it's not that easy to keep you safe. It's not like we could lock you up." He pauses. "Well, maybe that's not such a bad id-" I cut him off. "Don't even say it. You can't lock me up in a freaking tower like Rapunzel to attempt to keep me away from civilization. I won't have it." I tell him sternly. "I didn't expect you to comply. You're cute when you're stubborn. Which I guess is all the time." He smiles and puts his arm around me. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You're okay too, I guess." I smirk. "Shit, I'm already five minutes late to science and I have to stop in the bathroom. I gotta go. I'll see you in class?" I ask him. "Yep. See you in a few minutes. I love you." He tells me and pecks my cheek. "I love you too." I say back and start walking to my science room. "Aw, aren't you guys adorable." An all too familiar voice says behind me. "What are you doing in the hall without a pass? Are you late to class?" Jack says from behind me. 

"You know, you always were a secret bad girl." He purrs in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I turn around and put my two hands on his chest so I can shove him as hard as possible. "Listen you disgusting excuse of a human being. Stay the hell away from me. Or else." I spit harshly. 

"Oh? And what are you going to do, sweetheart? Because I have a few idea about what I would like to do to you..." He whispers and puts his arm on my upper thigh and moves it upwards. "No! This isn't happening, oh god, this isn't happening. Please, don't please!" I fall to the ground and cover my ears. Jack looks at me like he's been shot. I can see him mouth 'oh my god' and he kneels next to me. 

"What's going on? Are you okay? What is happening? God you're sweating like crazy." He says, clearly starting to freak out. A small ninth grader walks past us and looks at me, then at Jack. "She's having a panic attack, dude. I read somewhere that a kiss can stop a panic attack." He says nonchalantly and walks away. The mere thought of Jack kissing me again makes me panic even more. "D-don't d-do it J-Jack. Get away from me. Now! H-Harry! Oh god where is Harry..." I trail off, getting worse by the minute. 

I begin to cry. Jack starts to panic a bit himself and takes me in his arms. I want to throw up. I try to wiggle out, but his grip is so much stronger than I am. "I can help you. Fuck. Just please, stop crying. I hate it when you cry." He says. I want to scream, but I can't. My throat is closed off and I can barely breathe. Who the fuck does he think he is? My boyfriend? He's far from it. I can't let him kiss me, I'll explode. "G-get away f-from me." I squeak. "Jesus, this has to stop." He says under his breath. 

He pries my hands from me ears and lifts my chin so I'm looking him right in the eyes. "Focus on me, just on me. Relax." He tries to comfort me. You're the reason I'm having this god damn panic attack! Tell me to focus on anything but you! I scream in my head. 

"Ah, fuck it." He says and puts his lips on mine and hold them there, suffocating me. It feels just like it used to, soft and sweet. I hate myself for even remembering that. But, it certainly does the trick, my blood pressure returns to normal, and I completely calm down. After my throat opens up again and as soon as I can breathe, I shove him off of me. "YOU BASTARD!" I yell. "Calm down, I was just trying to help. Don't freak out." He says, getting upset. 

"No. You should not have done that. You are a psychotic douche bag who is only after one thing. You're lucky I was pathetic enough to love you back then, or else you would be in jail. So unless you would like me to reconsider, stay the hell away from me. I mean it." I tell him and tear slides down his cheek. I scoff and walk away. 

I arrive in science class, now ten minutes late. I walk in and my teacher looks at me, hand on his hip. "Oh, look who decided to show up to class." He jokes with a smile. "Sorry, Mr. Davis. I was in the bathroom." I say, taking my seat. "For that long, are you feeling alright?" He asks, concerned. "Well, you see, it's that time of month, and I think I speak on behalf of everyone in this room that I'm glad I went to the bathroom before I came here." I say smiling. 

"Well, lucky for you, we are studying the menstrual cycle right now. Would you like to share anything?" He says. "Well, frankly, there are excruciating symptoms, and when this cycle takes place, it feels like you're peeing in your pants, causing a momentary heart attack. For one week every month, boys, be extra nice to your girlfriends. Or it's going to hell for you." I say. "She's not lying." Harry speaks up while laughing. I laugh with him, as does the rest of the class. 

"How enlightening. Thank you for that, Kristen." Mr. Davis smiles and starts the power point. I lean in to whisper to Harry. "I ran into Jack again. I'll tell you the details later." I tell him. He growls under his breath. "I hate that he's here, and he can get to you when I'm not with you." He says. "Well, we won't have to see him for the rest of the day, let's focus on that." I tell him. 

Later that day, anonymous pov. 

"What's wrong sir?" One of the other guards asks Mr. Jack as he walks into the meeting room, clearly distressed. "Oh nothing, Barry, it's just that the love of my life clearly hates my guts and there's nothing I can do about it." He says, tossing his keys on the table. 

"What happened?" Barry questions further. "She was having a panic attack, out of nowhere. Someone told me that kissing someone can stop a panic attack, so I kissed her. And I could feel the sparks fly, just like they used to. Her lips are so soft, I can't believe I let her slip through my fingers." He says, tears forming in her eyes. He opens up a new bottle of whiskey, and chugs half of it. 

"Sir, you drink one of those a day, it's not healthy for you to do that." Barry informs him. "DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT DO, BARRY!" Mr. Jack screams and throws the bottle at Barry's head, almost hitting him. It shatters as it makes contact with the wall and the pieces of glass fall to the floor. He slides to the ground and begins to sob. This happens a lot when we talk about her. 

"I just wish she knew why I had to do that to her, that they made me do it." He says, still sobbing.




2015 is gonna be awesome

but wow jack jack has feelings?

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love y'all


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