Chapter Nineteen.

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Luke's POV.

"Drive faster!" I shout at Harry. "I'm driving as fast as I fucking can now shut up! Headaches. You give me headaches." Harry snaps at me. "How do you know where you're going? She could be anywhere." I ask. "I told you, I found the drug on the floor, and since Julia's father's warehouse used to be my second home, I know that they make that drug there. Plus, I just happen to know the way." Harry tells me.

"Well, okay then." I say and shut up. "Look, this is going to be really dangerous, so if you want out, I will drop you off now." He offers. "No, I love her too, man. I want to come." I say. "She wants me. She will always pick me. It's not like you've ever even kissed." He scoffs and looks at me. I look at the floor of the car. 

"You haven't done anything, right?" He says, with his eyebrows raised. I continue look at the ground. "Have you fucked her or not?!" He starts to raise his voice. "That depends on your definition of fucked." I  whisper. 

He makes a sharp left turn and pulls over. He turns to me and grabs the collar of my shirt. "What the fuck happened?! Tell me right now." Harry yells. "Uh-uh-uhm.. I don't really know how to say this.. I don't even know if I should tell you.." I trail off. "For the love of god just spit it out!" He says. I keep quiet for another thirty seconds and Harry speaks up again.

"JUST FUCKING SAY IT AL-" I cut him off. "I FINGERED HER, OKAY? JESUS ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!" I yell. He stares at me for a minute and punches me square in the face. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?" I try to stop the Niagara Falls of blood that is coming out of my nose. "You finger fucked my girlfriend you asshole." He mumbles. "When?" He whispers, driving again. 

"Remember when you took her on a date, and dropped her off crying?" I ask him. "Yeah..." He says. "Well, she called me right after you left and she was crying, and all of sudden she just looked up at me, and then we were kissing, and then our clothes were on the floor, and then she didn't want to go all the way, so I did that." I tell him. "Does she have feelings for you?" He asks.

"Before that night, she would always remind me that I was her best friend. And nothing more. That night, it was different. But when I heard her mutter your name I got the message loud and clear." I say sadly.

He looks at me with a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry, mate." He says. "Yeah, whatever, let's skip the girl talk thing yeah?" I say. "Yeah. Good idea. It should be coming up on the right in a few blocks." He says. He makes a right down a really sketchy looking block, and all of a sudden I hear a ping on the window. I look over and see a small crack. Harry stops the car and looks around. Then another ping to the windshield. Then another to Harry's window. "Fuck." Harry says. "What? They're probably just rocks kicking up." I reason. 

"No. They're not rocks. They're bullets." He says and then grabs my head and shoves it down. "Keep your head down until I say!" He yells. At that moment, the 'ping' noises start to escalate and then I see them. Men approaching the car with machine guns, continuing to shoot at us. I scream. "Shut up and relax, will you? My dad has bullet-proof glass impletemented in our cars. Just shut up and hold on!" Harry yells at me. 

He switches gears and starts driving in reverse so we are going towards the men with the guns at 90 mph. "Harry, you're going to hit them! Slow down!" I yell across the car. "That's the point! Now hold on!" He yells back. I close my eyes and hear four thumps and then open my eyes to see the men flying over the car in mid-air. They land hard on the ground and their guns land near the car. I worry for a second that they are dead, but I see each one of them move and attempt to get up. 

Harry jumps out and hauls the guns into the trunk and gets back in the driver's seat. He presses his foot to the gas and we're off. "The complex is up ahead." He tells me. We approach the warehouse and he stops at the entrance. "I'm going to say it again, if you want to stay here, then stay here. If not, grab a gun and let's go." He tells me. 

I reach behind me and take a handgun from the backseat. "I'm ready. Just, don't tell my mom. She'll kill me. If I don't die today, that is." I say honestly. "Liz? Oh don't worry man, I'm not going to tell her your badass adventures over tea. Calm your tits and get out of the car." Harry snaps. "Here we go.." I mumble to myself and step outside. 

"Stay behind me and do exactly as I say." Harry whispers. He kicks the door in. We see two guys at first and they raise their guns to shoot, but Harry is quicker and shoots them both in the chest before they can get a shot off. "Come on! Move!" He yells over his shoulder. We open the door that leads into a hallway with about four doors on each side, each manned with a guard. They all start to yell and begin to shoot at us. Harry shoots three of them to the ground and we take cover around a corner.

Bullets whiz past us and I start to sweat. Harry turns around the corner and takes a few shots, then comes back. "There's only two left. Let's move." We run to the next wall and take cover behind it. "Do you want to try?" Harry asks. "No. I don't." I tell him. "Okay, hold on." He disappears for a second and I hear a few gunshots and various grunting. I begin to get worried just as Harry turns the corner. 

"Coast is clear, let's go." He tells me. He leads me out into the hallway, and towards the doors at the end of it. He opens the doors, to what appears to be a lab. It looks like there are roughly fifeen people in there, and they all stare wide-eyed at us for a nano second. 

"It's Styles! Shoot him!" Someone with a deep English accent says. I look around to match the voice to a face, and I see a familiar one. He goes to our school, and is on the football team. What is his name? I think for a second and it comes to mind. Liam. That's it. I think he could be a potential ally, until he whips out his gun and starts to shoot at Harry. He quickly yanks me behind and pillar in the corner of the room. 

"You can't freeze like that! You're going to die if you do that!" He yells at me. "I-I'm sorry. This is all really freaking new for me." I snap. He doesn't respond. He runs around the corner, fires his gun at each of the men, and eventually they just all fall, like fucking dominoes. Damn. 

Once it's silent, he speaks up. "Luke, come here. It's okay, they're all down." I hesitantly walk over to where he's standing. "Look at this shit. This is where they produce the drug that they used on Kristen." He says and rubs it between his fingers. 

Someone suddenly comes up behind him and hits his hand so the drug goes all over his face. His eyes flutter and he falls to the floor. I look at the man like a deer in headlights. I have a gun in my hand, with my index finger over the trigger. He laughs at me. "You're not going to shoot me, you're going to die. Just put down the gun and come with me. Will ya?" He snickers. 

"No. I'm not going anywhere with you." I tell him, attempting to stand my ground. He throws a punch to my stomach, causing my index finger to contract, pulling the trigger. Blood splashes on my face and I see it oozing out of his chest as well. I begin to panic, but tell myself that I have to get over it. I bend down to Harry. "Are you okay? What can I do?" I ask him. 

"Go to the first door on the left, down the stairs and help Kristen." He whispers, passing out. "How do you know she's there?" I ask. "It's the only 'dungeon' they have. She'll be there, trust me." He says and passes out. 

Just as I turn to walk away, I hear a gunshot and then feel a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I don't process the pain at first, and turn around to shoot the man who had just shot me. He goes limp, and then I start running, high off of adrenaline. I sprint down the stairs and find a door. 

I slowly open it and am devastated at what I see. Kristen is hanging there, half handcuffed to the ceiling, shirtless. Shit. 


Wow long chapter tonight! I'm really enjoying writing this right now, so I'm going to do a double update, because I messed up and didn't do one last night. Sorry!

Don't forget to vote and comment reactions as you read! 

Love y'all.


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