Chapter Eight.

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(Viewer discretion is advised)


I wake up sitting in a cold metal chair. I go to get up, and realize I have ropes tied to my arms and legs. I start to panic. 

The last thing I remeber is that tall man giving me a shot of some drug and being shoved into a bag and then placed in a car. 

Where the fuck am I? Just as I open my mouth to scream, Julia walks in with what looks like a fifty year old man. "Look who's finally awake Daddy!" She screeches. "Nice to meet you Kristen. I assume you have many questions. You may ask them if you'd like." He says with a creepy smile. "Where the hell am I? Why am I here? Who are you? Are you a part of some gang?" I ask the first four questions that come to my head. 

"Yes, I run a gang. A very important and successfull one at that. I can't tell you where you are, but I can tell you why. My beautiful daughter tells me that you recently befriended Harry Styles. I'm sure he hasn't told you this yet, but his father and I were hoping to unite our gangs so we could take down a common enemy. But, you got in the way.  So now you are a threat to us. It is my job to eliminate threats. That will end today's Q&A." He smirks and walks out. Before he walks out, he stops and whispers something to Julia and leaves.

Her smile turns from innocent to sinister.

She walks up to me and looks into my eyes. "I'm really going to enjoy this." She says. And then something sudden happens. I happened so fast I don't process it at first. I register it when I feel the stinging sensation on my cheek. After she hits me she mutters "slut" then she hits me again and mutters "whore" she punches me in the gut and says "homewrecker" she kicks me in the face and whispers "bitch" and I feel dead.

She raises her hand to hit me again but she is stopped by a rough voice. "Julia your mother is asking for you." A man says behind her. "Oh, what a shame. I was having so much fun." She smiles. She turns on her heel and walks away.

I can feel the black eye forming on my face and I scream for help. I know that I am probably in a sound proof room in a seculded place in the forest but I scream anyway. I see a familiar face walk in. It's a guy I see Harry hang out with on the football team. I start racking my brain to think of his name.

It's Liam.

"Hello love." His English accent is almost thicker than Harry's. "Let's have some fun, yeah?" He says with a smirk.  

He walks over to me and he starts to untie me and I try to move but everything hurts too much. He picks me up and puts me on a bed in the next room. I think he could be showing kindness to me, until he stops at the door, shuts it and locks it. 

He turns around and smiles at me. What a prick. "W-wh-what are you doing?" I ask nervously. "Oh you'll see baby. We're going to have so much fun." He laughs. I begin to panic. "I can make you feel good. Better than that bastard Harry can." He says. He starts to walk over and he stops at the foot of the bed and takes off his shirt and his jeans. 

"No, no, no please don't do this." I plead. "This is the only way to make sure Harry gets what he deserves." He replies. He climbs on to me and starts peeling off my clothes until I'm left in my bra and panties. I start to become cold and shiver under him. He attacks my neck and I can tell that he left multiple hickies. I start to cry, and he tells me to shut up and slaps me across the face. He kisses my lips rough and hard and I feel bile rise in my throat. 

He lifts up back up so he can unhook my bra. I look over at the clock and it's 8:30. Maybe Harry's looking for me, maybe he'll find me. Hope for Harry is the only thing I can cling to right now. He tosses my bra across the room and flashbacks flood my brain. 


"Kristen shut the fuck up,  jesus someone will hear you!" He whisper-shouts. He slaps me and holds my wrists above my head. "Jack, baby, don't do this to me, I love you, don't you love me too?" I ask crying. "I never loved you, bitch. This was all I wanted, and now I'm going to get it." 

*end of flashback*

I screw my eyes shut as I feel his erection press againt me. I want to throw up. I try to hit him, kick him, anything but my feet and hands are tied to the bed. I bite his finger. He punches me in the stomach. He goes to push into me, and the door bursts open. 

I have never been more relieved in my life. 

Harry comes in with a handgun and runs over to the bed and shoves Liam off of me. I hear a gunshot and a cry of pain and I panic. Did he kill him? I look over the side of the bed to see a bullet hole in Liam's left thigh. Harry turns to me and I look into his eyes. I've never seen them so dark. They quickly soften as he unties my from the bed. "Oh my god baby. Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What a stupid question. I'm so sorry, you were never supposed to be caught up in this. I'm so sorry." He breathes. I shiver. He takes off his t-shirt and puts it on me. 

"T-th-thanks. Please get me out of here." I plead. "Of course, there is a back exit that way." He points. He picks me up bridal style and runs out of the complex. Somehow we snuck out without being seen, and I'm grateful for it. He places me in his car and starts drving. 

We stop driving after about ten minutes, and I'm barely conscious. He took me to his aprartment across town. He carries me in and places me in the bath to wash the dirt off of me. I'm still very naked, but i decide not to care. After I'm washed and dried, Harry gives me a t-shirt and boxers to wear. I slip them on and climb into his king bed. "I'll take the couch. I'm sure you want your space right now. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I never wanted you to get caught up in all of this. I'll explain everything about everything including how I found you, tomorrow. If you want to talk you can, and if you don't, that's fine too."

I smile and thank him once more before I pass out. 

I wake fifteen mintues later because my mind is still racing. I try to process everything that happened, and I feel dirty. How could this happen to me again? 

Harry is in a gang. I figured he had secrets and I know he has a lot of tattoos but I never suspected this. 

He goes to high school and he acts like a normal asshole jock. I guess he's pretty good at hidng things. 

I miss Luke. 

Everything in my body hurts like hell. 

I got kidnapped today.

Liam attacked me.

Jack attacked me.

But Harry saved me.


Woah. Bet you weren't expecting that one were ya. 


Want to hear Harry's explanation? 

tune in tomorrow ;)


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