Chapter Nine.

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I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking in the kitchen. I try to stand up, but my legs give out and I fall. Kind of how Bethany pretends to do all the time. I try to get up, but my whole body is telling me not to. I have bruises, cuts, broken bones - oh my! Harry runs in with a look of worry in his eyes. 

He rushes over and helps me to my feet. "You probably shouldn't try to get up or move around a lot. As a matter of fact I'm going to take you to the hospital. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Let's go now." He rushes. "Harry wait. You need to explain all of this first. I'm don't know what to think. About you, us, all of it. Please explain before I explode." I say. 

"Okay, but after I explain, you have to let me take you to the hospital." He comprimises. "Ok fine." I tell him. 

"So, all of this started when I was about ten. My dad had been running this underground gang since before I was born, but I found out about it then. I found out when he came home with one of his henchmen carrying a dead body through the door. Smearing blood all over the floor. I asked him who he was and what happened to him, and he just told me to shut up and go to my room. The next gang experience I had was when my house was shot at. It was a drive-by, and my front window completely collapsed in and one of the bullets grazed my arm, giving me this scar." He lifts up his t-shirt sleeve and to show me the horizontal scar on his bicep. 

He continues. "I was twelve when that happened. My mom left us after that. She said she couldn't take it anymore. All of the danger. You would assume she would have taken me with her, but she didn't really give a damn about me, all she ever cared about was herself. But that's irrelevant to the story. When I was fourteen, I met Julia. She was a very flirtatious girl, very slutty. I was a fourteen year old boy, hormones racing, and she was there. We started dating, and after about a month she told me that her dad ran a gang across town. I then confided in her by telling her that my dad ran the gang on this side of town. 

Somehow word got to our fathers that we were dating, and her family invited us over for dinner and that's when they told us that we were basically going to be married, to unite the two gangs to take down the biggest gang in New York, The Warriors. I know this sounds like some medival, fifteenth century shit with the arranged marriage for the good of the people involved, and that's really what it is. 

At first, I freaked out and left the table. I was yelling at them saying that we've only been dating for a month and that I wanted to marry someone I loved. But obviously they didn't give a fuck about what me or Julia wanted, who was freaking out as well. My dad threw me against the wall and beat the shit out of me in front of everyone. He told me that what I thought didn't matter, and this was the best for everyone and I was selfish to act this way. Julia started crying and she got a slap to the face. 

It's all really fucked up, I know. We really do try our best to hide it, the whole gang family thing. Julia and I eventually came to a mutual agreement that we didn't really have a choice in this matter, so we would just do it. We dated since. I did start to fall for her somewhere along the way, and vice versa. That was until I caught her cheating on me with Niall. He used to be my best friend. I never said anything about it, because I knew I couldn't break up with her. So, I slept with her sister Emma to get revenge. She's kind of been obsessed with me since. 

Nothing significant happened between then and now really, besides everything that happened yesterday. I'm sure my dad is bugging out along with Julia's dad, but niether of them know I have this place, so we are safe here, before you get worried. I'll have to deal with my father sometime, when I tell him that I'm not going to marry Julia. I am not going to mention you yet, because I don't want you to get hurt again. When the time is right, and of you decide to stay with me, I will tell him. 

And that's really it, and before you freak out, I'm going to tell you again that I really like you, like really, really like you. And I hope you stay with me. But at the same time, I never want yesterday to repeat itself, and this will be a very dangerous relationship. I'm not going to sugar-coat it. I will also tell you that I will protect you with me life. That is if you give me the chance to."

I stare at him for a minute, processing everything he just told me. "You know, now this would be the time to either kiss me, or slap me, or say something, anything at this point wouls be appreciated. Unfortunately I can't read you mind." He laughs nervously. 

I think about what I am going to do, how dangerous this is, what I am potentially getting myself into. My feelings for Harry are stong enough to carry us both, I know that. I know I haven't known him for long, but I feel like it's been a thousand years since the football game when we met for the first time. It was just a fantasy then, he just seemed like a jock(jerk) with beautiful curly hair, gorgeous green eyes and a few dozen sexy tattoos. Now, he is the son of a mob king, and he's asked me to be his mob princess. My head is spinning.

I come to a desicion and grab his neck and smash his lips onto mine. My fingers tug at his hair and he warily cups my face, careful not to hurt me. I smile and break away before the kiss goes any further. "I'm not going anywhere Harry, I will stick by you. I promise." I say. "Thank you, babe. I promise you'll be happy. I can make you happy." He smiles. "Now let's get you to the hospital, There's still some blood and I can guarantee your nose is broken." He kisses it softly and picks me up. As freaking cliche as this is, I feel like a princess when he does that. Maybe add some combat boots and I will be able to pull off the mob princess thing. 

Before I know it we are on the way to the hospital, and after five minutes of silence I speak up. "Oh my gosh, the party! Did you tell her we couldn't go? I feel horrible."  I say. "Babe, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. What happened last night was not your fault. But yes, she did text me asking where we were, and I told her you were sick. But as it turns out, she is transferring to our school next week. So there will be plenty more of Veronica's kick ass parties, don't you worry." He smiles once again. 

We pull up to the hospital, and he turns the car off. He turns to me and gently takes my hand. "Are you ready?" He asks thoughtfully. I nod and smile slightly. "Let's get this over with." I whisper. 


Well now ya know everything about Harry's fucked up childhood. 

Sorry this was kind of an explanation/filler chapter, slightly boring.

Next chapter is going to be SO much more exciting I promise. 

Love y'all! 


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