Chapter Sixteen.

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Love y'all.

"YOU ALL NEED JESUS!" Alice yells at us while laughing. "So girls, give me all of the dirty details about your love lives please." I say to the group. "Can I go first?" Bethany asks. "Sure, go right ahead." I say to her. "So, as some of you already know, I hooked up with a fellow senior whose name is George, at the party last Friday. It got pretty heated pretty quickly, and one thing lead to another and I may have sucked his 'youknowwhat'. But he's kind of gorgeous and he gave me his digits." Bethany says with a wink. 

"Well, thank you very much for sharing that lovely story Bethany. Please do keep us updated." I tell her. "Oh, by the way Bethany, I heard Ashton likes you." Katie shares with the group. "Really? I didn't think he knew who I was." Bethany blushes. "Oh! Can I go next?" Claire squeals. "So, I was in Social Studies yesterday, and TJ turned around, and asked me what the date was, and I replied, "It's December 7th. I barely got the words out. But, after I told him, he replied, "Thanks, beautiful." And I almost pulled a Bethany and fell out of my chair. That is all." Claire says. 

"Felicia, you're up." I say. "Well, long story short, I did pull a Bethany and sucked my boyfriend Nick's 'youknowwhat' in the back seat of a car. But he's a jerk now. The end." Felicia says. "Okay, Katie, you are next." I tell her. "Well, Brian and I have been dating for about three months now, and he's amazing." She smiles. "Okay, Alice your turn." I say.  "Well, mine isn't all that interesting. I really like this cute guy I see in the hallway all the time, but I don't know his name, so I don't really have much to share." Alice tells us. 

"Awesome. Let us know if you fnd out who he is. Veronica, go." I say. "Well, I kind of like this kid David, and his friends told me he was going to ask me out as my party, so I'm excited for that." She tells us. "That's great! I'm happy for you." I tell her. "Okay, Kris, I believe that you're the last up. What's going on with you, Luke and Harry?" Katie asks me. Just then I hear a knock at the door. I get up confused, and make my way to the door. I look through the peephole and see nothing. Either the person is really short, or ding-dong ditched me. I open the door slowly, only to reveal an ugly and unwanted face. 


"Hey, bitch, I heard you were having a girl's night, and I didn't want to miss any of the fun. I'm sure you don't mind, do you?" She says. I grab her arm and whisper in her ear, "Yes, actually I do mind, as a matter of fact, leave. Right now." She rips her arm away from me grip and walks to the center of the room. 

"See that slut over there? She's going to get you all killed. See, my dad is going to come for her, and anyone whom she associates herself with. So, unless she stays the hell away from Harry, you're basically all going to die." She turns to me. "Have fun explaining that one." She laughs. I smile. "You don't know do you? Well, as it turns out, my dad is out of jail, and do you know who my Daddy is? He's the leader of The Warriors, and if anyone should be looking over her shoulder, it's you bitch." 

I scowl at her, and laugh at her shocked face. She runs out the door and into a black van. The van drives away quickly and I lock my door. 

"What the hell was she talking about?" Bethany speaks up first. "Okay, first of all, don't be scared, I will tell all of you everything now." I say calmly. "How are we supposed to be calm? She just told us that we were going to die!" Alice says. "Please, just listen to me and trust me." I say. They all look at me intently. 

I tell them the story, piece by piece, and after twenty minutes I finally finish. "Wow. You're in pretty deep shit aren't you." Felicia says. I nod. "What are you going to do? Go after Harry? Ask your dad to protect you?" Claire asks. "Not sure, just telling the story now, I realize I still have a lot to process and some decisions to make. But I will make them sooner rather than later." I say. "Alright, we should probably get to sleep. Are your doors locked?" Veronica asks me. 

"Yeah, they are, and that sounds good. Goodnight guys." I tell them. I turn all the lights out and try my best to go to sleep. After a half and hour of trying, I get a text, I jump nervously. It reads:

Listen, we need to talk. About your dad, about us, about everything. Please meet me at Veronica's party. 

-H. xx

I reply: 

I don't think so. Last time you spoke to me, you were kind of a dick. I can handle myself. Goodbye Harry. 

He responds quickly but I delete the message before I read it. 

I throw my phone across the couch and try to go to sleep again.  

I wake up a little to early the next morning. I wipe my eyes and stretch my legs and then go to get my coffee. After I do that, I walk outside to grab the mail, but I drop my coffee mug and it breaks when I see something I was not expecting to see. I see 'slut', 'whore', 'bitch', 'homewrecker', and everything else horrible you can imagine spray-painted on the outside of my house. 

I immediately text Luke, and he replies by saying he's on his way. I just stand on my porch and wait for him to show up, and when he does, his reaction is pretty much the same as mine. He runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Who the fuck did this?" He asks angrily. "Hell if I know. But I have a few guesses." I tell him. Just then I get another text. It says:

I'm glad to see you got our message. Even if we don't physically hurt you, we can still get to you. Oh and by the way, your back door wasn't locked last night. You should really be more careful. See you soon! xoxo. 

I show it to Luke. "I think it's time you called your Dad." He tells me. I sigh. "I know." 



Next chapter is Veronica's party, and it's a two-parter. 

Keep reading and being awesome!

Love y'all. 


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