Chapter Thirty Five.

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It's been three days. Three f u c k i n g days. Luke hasn't woken up yet. I've been sitting at his bedside practically all day and all night, and when I'm not doing that or when I'm with Harry, I'm getting coffee with Dr. McDreamy discussing Luke's treatment plan. Nothing else. Well for the most part. I'm actually on my way to the Dining Hall right now to talk about why the hell Luke isn't up yet. 

I open the doors to the Dining Hall to find James sitting there with two coffees. I walk up to him and greet him. "Hey, Dr. McDreamy." I would say. Or at least that's what I wanted to say. "Hey, James! I thought I was paying for the coffee this time!" I playfully scold him. "No, don't worry about it, a gentlemen should always pay for the lady." He says with a charming smile. "Well, thank you." I say and shyly smile back as he changes the subject.

"So, Luke. I know I told you that I predicted he would wake up yesterday and he hasn't. So, I ran some tests and I have this big, long-winded medical reason why he hasn't woken up just yet, but I have a simpler version prepared for you. Since his heart stopped beating for a while, it will take ten times as long for all the blood to get to everywhere it needs to be in order for him to wake up. He's just not there yet, but I'm 99% sure he will get there today." He explains. 

"Okay, that's great. I've just been worried sick about him." I tell him honestly. "I'm sure your boyfriend will be just fine." He says with a smirk. "Oh, no. Luke isn't my boyfriend." I say. "Oh? So you don't have a boyfriend then?" He asks, with that stupid million dollar smile that I'm pretty sure he practices in the mirror and I can't help but smile back. "No, I do. Harry is my boyfriend." I reply. 

"Oh, that's a shame." James says, frowning a little. "Oh my, would you look at the time.. I believe I am going to be late for lunch with my Mom. Thanks for the coffee, see you later!" I say loudly as I rush out the door, not knowing I would walk into the doorway on the way out. I hit my head on the cold metal and take a few wobbly steps backwards. "Ouch." I mumble to myself and hold my forehead. I can hear James laughing in the background as he makes his way over to me.    

"Oh my gosh are you alright?" He says, still laughing a bit. He holds my elbow and presses a hand to the small of my back to steady me. I tense at the sudden contact and stand up straight. "Thanks." I say nervously. "Anytime." He whispers in my ear and walks out of the Dining Hall, leaving me with chills going down my spine. And normally I would brush it off, but these weren't creepy chills, they were excited chills.

I shake it off like Taylor Swift advertises, and walk back to my room. I walk in to see Harry screaming into his iPhone. "Will you just leave us the hell alone you annoying little bitch. And you can tell your Dad to fuck off, too." He pauses for a moment. I hear a muffled 'go to hell' over the phone. "I'll meet you there!" He says sarcastically and throws his phone on the bed. 

"Who was that?" I ask. "None of your fucking business, that's who." He snarls at me. "What the hell was that for? I just asked a question." I retort. "You're always asking questions, aren't you? Always picking at me and bothering me all the god damn time." He says annoyed. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize being your girlfriend meant being a some pathetic rag doll who just follows your every move without question. My bad." I say, getting annoyed myself. "Will you just leave? I don't feel like hearing your sob stories right now." He asks. "I don't think so. Last night was so traumatic and we were fine and now you're acting like this out of the blue? I mean seriously Harry what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell. 

"EVERYTHING! OKAY? IT'S FUCKING EVERYTHING! AND I AM A GROWN MAN I DON'T NEED YOU TO CUDDLE ME AND TELL ME IT'S GOING TO BE OKAY LIKE A FIVE YEAR OLD. SO FOR THE LAST TIME, GET THE FUCK OUT!" He screams at me. I walk up to him, and I can feel the heat in my cheeks. I raise my hand and before I even know what I'm doing, I slap him across the face so hard my hand stings. He holds the side of his face and mumbles 'bitch'. "Which is exactly what you are." I snap at him and walk out of the room.  

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