36. All in the Luck

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I was in my brothers car in the driving seat and he sat on my left as the passenger. He brushed his hand through his hair as it stood on edge. He was very impatient and got stressed easily. His brown hair stuck up like he'd been electrocuted.
"So I push this thing down to go?" I asked him, poking the pedal below with my feet.
"Yes!" He smiled and relaxed in his chair.
"Argh!" He grumbled.
"No, but I always want to push down with my foot if I want to stop!" I protested.
"Well go and tell the maker of the car that then! If you do that, you'll die, simple as" he answered me.
"Sorry then!" I said sarcastically.
"Okay, that's enough for one day", Tyler stepped out of the car, exhausted, and walked back into the house. We were still on our driveway at home and hadn't moved anywhere. Tyler had just pointed to the different things in the car, said their names and told me what they did. He didn't trust me enough to start the car yet. He knew me too well.
I locked the car and walked back inside. I huffed down in my chair and watched the TV.
My phone buzzed and I looked at it. It was a message from Dougie. 'Want to come round to ours?xxxxxxxx'
I replied back and stood up. "Dad, I'm going over to Dougie's" I announced to my dad.
"Okay" my dad didn't take his eyes off of the TV. "Be careful!" He warned me and I waved goodbye to him. I saw Doug's car already waiting outside and I hopped inside.
"How's your day been?" He asked me as we started to drive. It was six in the afternoon.
"Alright, my brothers a bit stressed at me".
"Driving lessons"
Dougie nodded his head in understanding. I smacked his arm.
"Hey!" I said outraged and he began laughing. "I'm not that bad!"
"Do you know what this things called?" Dougie pointed to the thing that swiped away the rain that was pouring outside.
"Um-" I tried to remember what Ty had called it this morning but it wasn't working.
"Exactly" Dougie grinned and I hit him again as he laughed.
We arrived at the band house and I saw that the other McGirls were there too. I walked into the living room and there were beer bottles on the table along with J2Os. The others were lolling in their chairs, yet they seemed to be perky still.
"Hey!" Danny called to me. "Come and join the party!"
I looked at Dougie and he smirked. "I thought you weren't allowed to drink" I said to him with warning eyes.
"I'm not" he answered and pointed to the J2Os. "They're for me. It doesn't affect me if the people around me drink".
I sat down on one of the couches and Dougie sat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I picked up one of the beers and smelt it. I'd never really had alcohol before. I didn't really like it and I didn't like partying much. I thought that this would just be a casual time round at the band house but I was wrong.
I drank some of the beer. I didn't find it that nice but I saw all of the others except for Dougie drinking it so I did too.
After a few bottles I felt a little drowsy and giggly. I giggled at the teensiest things, like Danny spilling over his beer bottle. That had me in hysterics of laughter. I could tell that I wasn't completely drunk though as I didn't feel sick or have a headache or anything.
"Guys maybe I should take Skye home" I heard Dougie whisper to Harry and Tom who weren't that drunk, well, not as bad as Danny.
"Noooo!" I moaned. "I want to stay here".
Dougie looked at me and sat back in his seat, taking a gulp of his J2O.
"Let's do something fun!" Danny exclaimed, standing up but wobbling, nearly making him fall over. Georgia stood up too and started to steady Danny but just ended up giggling.
"Like what?" Tom asked him, still in his chair.
"Tattoo parlour" Danny smirked.
"Yeah!" I shouted and jumped up out of my seat, which was a bad idea because my vision became blurry.
"I don't think that's a very good idea because nearly everybody's smashed..." Dougie hesitated.
"C'mon peasant!" Danny exclaimed. "Drive us!"
Dougie was the only one who could drive because he hadn't had a drink. He rolled his eyes and stood up, walking towards the door. Danny cheered and followed him out of the door and we all followed him. I heard Danny's voice bellowing football chants as we all squished into the car. Gi, Tom and Izzy decided to stay at the band house so me, Dougie, Harry, Georgia and Danny all fit into Dougie's car.
It was dark, around ten o clock when we arrived at the parlour. We all clambered out of the car and went inside. I saw different ink patterns on the walls and a desk with a woman sat behind it. She had bright purple hair and had piercings and tattooed arms.
"Hello Chrissy!" Danny exclaimed and I heard her chuckle at him. She must have been around twenty-five.
"Hello Danny" she said. "What do you guys want?"
We all looked at each other. We hadn't decided this. "Rock, Paper, Scissors?" Danny looked at Harry and Dougie.
"Dude I can't be in on this" Harry pleaded. "Izzy will kill me".
"Okay, Dougie?" Danny looked at Dougie.
"Fine" Dougie shook his head. I giggled and Danny looked at me. He then looked over at Georgia.
"I have an idea" he smirked.
"What?" Dougie was into the idea now, you could tell by the smile on his face.
"The girls are in it too. If I lose, I have to get Georgia's name on me and she has to have my name on her and the same for you guys".
"Danny I can't-" she started but Danny reassured her. "No seriously Danny, I can't have a tattoo, remember for modelling!"
"Okay then" Dougie smirked at Danny.
I had a nervous feeling in my stomach. I wasn't drunk enough for the nerves of my dad's reaction to a tattoo to be erased from my mind.
"Best of three" Harry announced. Harry counted down the numbers, Dougie picked rock and Danny picked paper. I groaned.
Harry counted down again and this time Dougie picked scissors and Danny picked paper. It was a draw.
Harry counted down one last time. Dougie had made a paper shape and Danny had done the scissors. We'd lost.
"Wooooooo!" Danny shouted and Georgia giggled.
I grabbed Dougie's arm. I felt the alcohol taking over my system now and I felt a bit drowsy and I felt my words slur. "Dougie mydads going to killme" I exclaimed.
"It'll be alright, it's not a bad tattoo either" he put his arm around me and tried to give me a reassuring smile.
"Alright come into here then" Chrissy said, stepping into the room. I was going to have Dougie tattooed on me forever. It was quite a sweet tattoo if you thought about it but I couldn't get over how my dad would react.
We walked into the room and I saw a heavily tattooed man. He was muscly and tall and he had a beard. He was one of those guys that you didn't want to mess with.
"Hey Dougie! How're you doing?" He shook hands with Dougie.
"Hey Bill, just lost tattoo roulette".
I saw the big guy look at me as I was half covered behind Dougie.
"And who's this?" He asked Dougie, pointing to me.
"Oh, Bill this is Skye, my girlfriend. She has to get a tattoo too. Say hi Skye" Dougie smiled at me.
"You're scary" I heard my mouth speak before I had a chance to think what I was going to say through. I guess I had a mind of a three year old when I was drunk.
Fortunately I heard the guy chuckle. "Alright, now you have to have your tattoo where your clothing is loose so it doesn't sting" he said. I looked down at what I was wearing. A floaty crop top and a pair of jeans. I guess it was going to be my lower stomach. Dougie chose his arm. However, what I found sweet was that he didn't choose the arm with his jungle of tattoos on it. He chose the other one, with nothing on it apart from his bracelets. I saw him go first onto the chair and hold out his arm. Bill started working into it, writing my name. Dougie chose to have it on his bicep at the top, below his shoulder but on the outside of his arm, so that people could see it. I blushed.
When it was done he had a pink patch on his arm and in swirly letters said 'Skye'. I smiled at him as he examined his arm. Bill put a bandage on it to keep it sterile.
"Okay, Skye you next". I felt so scared, I would have been scared even if I didn't have anything to drink but I turned really dramatic.
"Oh no I can't please I can't!" I stepped away from the chair.
"Skye-" Dougie spoke.
"Skye," he held my shoulders. "It's going to be fine!" He said to me.
I looked in his eyes and eventually nodded.
I sat in the chair hesitantly and held my crop top up a bit. I asked for the tattoo on my stomach, to the left of my belly button. I saw Bill get out the ink needle and felt a bit dizzy. I looked away and gripped on to Dougie's hands as hard as I could. The alcohol numbed me a bit I think as it didn't hurt as much as I expected it to do. After it was done I gave a heavy breathe out and looked down. I had 'Dougie' in the same swirly writing on my stomach. I smiled at it and looked up at Dougie. He was grinning too.
Dougie dropped the guys off at the band house where I had a couple more beers and felt really exhausted now. My eyes were drooping and I wasn't sure how many bottles I'd had. I left Cocoa with Tyler today as he wanted some 'Uncle Time'. I leaned on Dougie's shoulder as he drove. When we stopped I clambered out of the car, almost tripping over and giggled again. Dougie got out too and held my hand as we walked up to the door. I looked in my bag but couldn't find my keys. I knocked on the door. My dad opened it and looked at me up and down which made me giggle even more. I looked at Dougie and saw that his face had gone red and he looked a bit sad. I stopped giggling and looked at my dad.
"What's that?!" He pointed to my stomach where the white bandage thing was covering it.
"Ummmm..." I tried to think up a clever answer but my brain wasn't working.
"Are you drunk?" He questioned me.
"No sir!" I made a captain action with my hand and began giggling again.
"GET INSIDE NOW!" He roared at me.
"Woah no n-need to b-be-" I stammered, not being able to find my words.
"NOW!" He bellowed and I looked at Dougie.
"Bye" I smiled sadly to him and I stepped inside and my dad slammed the door.
"WHAT THE HELL IS IT?!" He shouted and my mum and Tyler looked over at us. I saw Cocoa and she looked scared.
"It's a tattoo!" I smiled to him, not getting what he was so mad about.
"I got Dougie's name and he got mine" I chuckled and my dad looked at my mum and back at me. His face was red and his jaw was set.
I looked at him. "No he didn't" I whimpered. "We only got a tattoo, and we are going to last daddy!" I cried.
"GET UPSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!" He roared and I ran upstairs and threw myself on my bed. I cried and cried and I felt a warm furry thing peep under my arm as I lay on my bed. Cocoa looked at me with chocolate brown eyes and I stroked her until she relaxed again.
"I'm sorry that you had to witness that" I whispered to her. "He's never been that mad before".
"AND IF YOU DIDNT ALREADY GUESS, YOURE GROUNDED" he shouted upstairs and I groaned. I climbed inside my bed and Cocoa did too and we fell to sleep quickly.

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