Chapter 23

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Levi's POV

"Eren come on it's time to get up," I said shaking him a little, it'd been a few hours since he fell asleep, and as much as I would like to continue letting him sleep I know he would rather me wake him up. Eren opened his eyes and looked around groggily like he does every time he wakes up. He quickly woke up once he noticed Hanji and Erwin sitting on the ground chatting while they played with the kids. 

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked and I could tell he felt pretty uncomfortable which made me feel bad I had forgotten that Eren almost always makes sure he looks completely put together before meeting with anyone. 

"We came to help you with your court case," Hanji said pretty proudly causing Eren to flinch from the sudden noise. 

"Um, alright, I'll be right back." He said grabbing his binder from me without showing the others and walking off to our room. 

"Great you made him uncomfortable," I said glaring at them. 

"Sorry, but it's just us, he shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable no matter how he looks at the time," Hanji said with her arms crossed over her chest. I just rolled my eyes and went into our room with Eren.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm good I just wasn't expecting them to be over here when I woke up." He replied pulling his shirt back over his binder. I grabbed a comb and started brushing out his hair which seemed to relax him pretty quickly. For some reason, Eren really likes it when I mess with his hair. We went back out to the living room a few minutes later. 

"Hey Eren, you know it's around dinner time, and it looks like all the ingredients to make pasta salad are very conveniently set out on your counter there," Hanji said while Mikasa giggled. 

Eren shook his head and smiled, "Well if that's the case then I suppose it would only make sense to make use of these pasta salad ingredients except there seems to be something missing." Eren said playing along. Hanji's face dropped at the mention of something missing.

"What?! I could've sworn I got everything!" Hanji coughed and recollected herself, "I mean, what is it that seems to be missing, it may be conveniently laying around here." She said.

"Ah the Italian salad dressing doesn't seem to be here, it's very important." 

"OH! Well, I think I remember seeing that outside somewhere, I will return shortly,"  Hanji said and grabbed her keys rushing out the door. 

"Now while Hanji is at the store I guess I'll get started on the cooking, you guys are all ok with pasta salad right?" He asked.

"I don't think we have much of a choice at this point," Erwin said.

"Ah yeah, you're probably right." He replied and grabbing a pot and filling it with water and leaving it to boil. "Now while I wait for that I'm gonna start on these case papers even though I have no clue what I'm doing, maybe they have instructions." 

"They don't, I'll help you," Erwin said sitting across from Eren while I sat next to him.

"Hey bubba, what are you doing?" Mikasa asked,

"Oh, my teacher gave me some super hard homework for the weekend to Erwin and Hanji came to help me. Do you think you could go play with Armin and keep him busy, maybe you can practice sign with him." He explained and Mikasa just nodded and ran off to play with Armin.

"Ok now, how do I do this?"  Eren ask and Erwin started explaining to Eren and I how to fill everything out. At some point, the water started boiling and Eren got up to cook the pasta which is about the time Hanji returned.

After Eren finished cooking and we ate Hanji, Erwin, Eren, and I got back to work. Hanji and Erwin stayed for about two more hours before deciding it was late and they should probably go home. I looked over at Eren who was staring off into space, he has been out of it all day, not that I can blame him since he has a lot on his mind but I'm still worried. Once we put the kids to bed Eren sent me off to bed too and told me he would be a few minutes but I know Eren and so a few minutes means he probably not gonna be here at all and is hoping I fall asleep before I realize that. Well, Eren you can't get out of sleeping that easily.


Word Count: 771

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