Chapter 7

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Eren Jeager POV

"You have my number in case you need me right?" I asked.

"Yes Eren, don't worry so much Mikasa will be fine, you're too young to worry about this much." 

"I know, I know but I can't help it, thanks for taking her for the weekend I appreciate it."

"No problem, Annie loves having her over, she hasn't stopped talking about it." 

"Alright well, I'll be going then, bye Mika, have fun and please be careful," I said.

"I will, bye Eren."  She said before heading inside with Annie and her mom. I sighed before heading back to the car and driving home. I had dropped Armin off at Erwin's earlier and they would be away all weekend so I could work all weekend and make some extra money. I had extra shifts at the diner during the day and at night well I would be working at the club against my better judgment.

Once I arrived home I went inside and was greeted by Levi who for some reason was there, not that I had time to question it. "Wait Eren."  He said as I was walking to my room. 

"Running late, talk later," I said closing the door and quickly changing, or I guess as quickly as one can change into these tight clothes. I left my room and grabbed my keys and wallet.

"Woah Eren what the hell are you wearing?" Levi asked, oh I forgot I never told him about this, well no time for that now. 

"Work clothes, I'll explain later," I said putting on a jacket that went down to my mid-thigh to cover most of what I was wearing. 

"Can I just come with and you can explain in the car?"

"I think I'll keep any remaining dignity I have left but thanks for the offer, I'll be back at about five in the morning, talk then," I said closing the door to the apartment and getting in the car driving as fast as I could without getting pulled over. I felt bad for leaving him in the dark like that but I'm about half an hour past the time I'm supposed to be here. Luckily my boss is generous and was only slightly irritated with me.

~Time skip brought to you by me never deciding how I'm going to continue doing time skips~ 

My shift at the club finally ended with me being dead tired and ready to crash but I did make some pretty good money, in fact this should be enough to pay at least the water bill. Now time to go home and explain things to Levi since he's probably still a little confused although I'm sure he figured out some things by now.

I arrived back at the apartment a few minutes later and saw Levi passed out on the couch which I guess means I'm off the hook for now and can go to sleep for about three hours before I have to get up again. I quietly walked to my room and took off all these uncomfortable clothes and replacing with a sweatshirt and comfortable shorts before laying down and falling asleep almost instantly. 


I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock telling me it was time to get up again and get ready for work at the diner, at least it's not that convenience store, I think the diner is the only job I actually like. 

I changed into my work uniform and headed out to the living room where Levi was sitting on the couch pretty much waiting for me to show myself. "So you gonna actually talk to me now?" 

"Yeah sorry about that I was late, even now I can't promise I can talk long." 

"Quite the busy guy aren't you? Anyway, first question, where are the kids?" 

"Armin is staying with Erwin and Mikasa is with a friend, they will be there all weekend so I can work and hopefully catch up on missed bills and such." 

"I see that makes sense, next question what the hell was up with last night." 

"I figured you'd ask that, I took a shift at the club, I hate working there but I didn't have much of a choice, sometimes you just gotta suck it up and do what you gotta do, if that means dancing around in inappropriate clothing while people throw money at you then that's what it means." 

"Ever thought about asking for help?"

"I'd rather not burden anyone, plus I've already asked enough with having others watch the kids when it's my responsibility." 

"Alright, I've made up my mind," Levi said.

"About what exactly?" 

"I'm moving in, we'll split the bills and you can try to have a semi-normal life." He explained.

"That's really sweet of you Levi but you don't have to do that, you're only a year older than me you should be able to live your life to the fullest." 

"So should you, and didn't you hear me I said I've made up my mind already." He said crossing his arms.  I sighed and checked the time realizing I had to go. 

"Alright, I guess I'm fine with it but I want you to think about it some more while I'm at work, where would you even sleep, I guess I could put Mikasa and Armin's room together. Ah! I can't worry about this right now I have to go to work, later Levi!" I yelled grabbing my keys and rushing out the door.


Word Count: 924

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