Chapter 4

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Eren Jeager POV 

Levi ended up staying the night since it was about midnight by the time we got done talking and while I tried to convince him to go sleep on my bed he insisted that I sleep on my own bed since I had Mikasa. So I just said good night and carried Mikasa with me and laid next to her on my bed quickly falling asleep.

When I woke up the next morning my chest was tight and I could hardly breathe. I knew what was wrong though, I had fallen asleep with my binder on, usually, I'm responsible enough to not keep it on too long since this was the side effect but I had a long night last night. Oh well too late to take it off now. 

I got out of bed and went to Armin's room and once he saw me he used his crib to stand himself up and started squirming in excitement causing me to smile. "Good morning to you too buddy," I said lifting him out of his crib and laying him on the changing table. After I got him changed I held him on my waist and carried him out to the living room not bothering to put pants on him since well he's a baby, we aren't going anywhere, and Armin doesn't like pants. 

Once I got out there I saw Mikasa and Levi watching cartoons, well Levi was on his phone but Mikasa was very interested in what was going on. "Morning you two," I said trying to not make it obvious I was struggling which seemed to work. They both greeted me back and Levi got up to join me in the kitchen. I set Armin in his playpen and started making eggs having to stop every once in a while to catch my breath. 

"Eren are you ok?" Levi asked.

"Ah yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well your breathing is irregular and you look like you're about to pass out." 

"Oh, I'm sure it's nothing," I said giving him and Mikasa eggs while I made Armin a warm bottle of milk.

"Listen, how about you go and take a nap and I'll watch these two for a few hours alright?" Levi offered.

"Really? Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Yeah I mean you're sixteen and do this every day how hard can it be?" I almost smirked at this statement, he had no idea.

"Alright I accept your offer but wake me up if you need anything ok?" I said and he nodded, I thanked him in advance and went to my room, once I took off my binder I felt quite a bit better. I love the thing but wearing it too long really messes me up. I once again laid on my bed and fall back into a surprisingly peaceful sleep.


I woke up a few hours later and felt quite a bit better, I know I shouldn't yet, but I'm putting the binder back on. I'll be fine since I went for a few hours without it. I checked the time and saw it was about twelve, good timing I guess, time to go save Levi it sounds like there's a lot of commotion going on. 

"Woah what the heck happened?" Armin was crying while Levi was holding him and Mikasa was throwing a tantrum about cleaning up her toys.

"Ah thank God you're awake, please help." Wow, Levi really doesn't seem like the begging type but here he is. I nodded and decided to deal with Mikasa first, she wasn't bad normally but like all six-year-olds, she had her moments. 

"Mikasa pick up your toys now," I said sternly.

"NO!" Oh, she did not just scream at me.

"Reinigen Sie dieses Chaos jetzt oder einen Monat lang ohne Eisschrei!" (A/N: I am aware my German is trash if you feel the need to correct me do so, I am certain you can get what I'm trying to say though.) I yelled back in German and she instantly got to work. "That what I thought," I whispered under my breath. With Armin, I simply grabbed his favorite pacifier and gave it to him, he calmed instantly. 

"Did you just?"


"That fast?"


"How, I've been trying to get them to calm down for an hour."

"Mikasa for one hates when I use my German, she thinks it's intimidating so in German I told her to clean up or no ice cream for a month every kid's weakness. Armin just wanted his pacifier." I said taking Armin from him. 

"Wait but I tried to give him a pacifier and he spit it at me."

"He's teething so I bought him a special one that helps with that, the other ones hurt his month." 

"How do you know all this?" 

"Well, I've been taking care of them for about nine months now so almost a year, you learn some things."

"Wait how old is Armin?"

"Nine months, mom left when Armin was just a few days old leaving me with a newborn, I was a total mess for a while, I guess I kinda still am but I'm a bit more put together now that I've accepted the fact that she isn't coming back and I wouldn't let her even if she tried," I explained before going over to the phone. "I better call the electric and water company," I said dialing the number. 


"I'm sorry Mr. Yeager but you're already a month behind on water and two months behind on electricity we can't give you any more time." The lady on the phone said, despite my tries at negotiating.

I sighed, "Alright, thank you for your time." I said politely before hanging up and setting the phone down. 

"So how long are you going to pace back a forth like that?" Levi asked after a few minutes.

"I don't know until I magically come up with a solution," I said snapping a little before apologizing for my rudeness. 

"You apologize a lot."

"Habit I guess sorry," I said before covering my mouth after I realized I said sorry again which caused Mikasa to laugh. "Hey don't laugh at me!" I said playfully. 

"And what if I do?" Mikasa challenged. 

"Then I guess..." I trailed off walking towards her. "I'm just gonna have to tickle you!" I yelled and started tickling her sides causing her to bust out in laughter while Levi watched in amusement.

After a few minutes, we settled down and I got back to serious business. 

"So, I have to get a car, there's just no way I can go without one, I have about six hundred I can spend on that, it might get me something."

"I can take you to a used car lot." 

"That would be great I'll get the kids ready to go," I said. Well, time to get a new car.


Word Count: 1151 

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