Chapter 17

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(The song has nothing to with the story it's just there y'all.)

Eren Jeager POV

"WHY DO YOU HAVE A CAT?!" I yelled as Mikasa picked the kitten back up. 

"It was super cute and you only told me I couldn't get a puppy you didn't say anything about cats." She said knowing very well if she had asked I would have told her no. I took a deep breath and sighed trying not to lose my temper. 

"Who gave you the cat?" I asked calmer now.

"Hanji did."

"Of course Hanji did," I mumbled under my breath. It was at this time Levi arrived home.

"Woah how'd Mikasa get a cat? I thought you said no to pets."

"Hanji gave it to her, isn't that great?" I said sarcastically. "I'm gonna go get cat food and a few toys I guess I'll be back," I said grabbing my wallet, phone, and keys and walking out the door. The first thing I did once I got in the car was give Hanji a call. She received a long talk about how you can't just give kids kittens without asking.

"What kind of food should I even buy for this kitten? Can I buy the cheapest or will that make it sick? I really don't want to clean up any messes. I should've asked Hanji what she fed it." Was I talking to myself? Yes. Were people staring? Yes. Hotel? Trivago. 

In the end, I settled for something in the middle, not the cheapest but not the most expensive, I simply didn't have the money for that. I picked up a few toys afterward and made my way home to make dinner since I didn't need Levi burning the place down trying to cook burgers. 

Once I arrived back home I gave Levi the cat food "You and Mikasa can feed the cat," I said before going to the kitchen to start dinner.

"Uh, Eren," Levi called.


"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the kitten can't eat this, this is for adult cats, not kittens, this is too big for her and it will make her sick, " Levi explained.

"You have got to be kidding me." 

"Don't worry about it, I'll go get the right stuff."

"No, you won't."


"Hanji will, in fact, Hanji is gonna go get enough kitten food for the next three months." 

Levi smirked a little "Oh is she now?" 

"Yup, I'm gonna go outside and make a call, I'll be right back," I said taking Armin from his swing and bringing him with me since he always enjoys being outside with me. 

"Hey, Eren!" Hanji yelled after picking up the phone.

"Hey Hanji, are you busy?" I asked.

"Actually I-"

"Great, I need you to go to the store and get food for the kitten you gave Mikasa, oh and I need you to get enough to last at least the next three months ok? Thanks. Bye." I said hanging up on her. "Alright, now that's taken care of let's go back inside,"  

"So is she gonna go get it?" Levi asked once I got back inside.

"I didn't really give her a choice," I answer handing Armin to Levi. "I assume Mikasa is in her room with the kitten, did she name it?"

"Yeah, apparently her friend Annie named her puppy Mikasa so Mikasa named her Kitten Annie," 

"That's adorable," I said taking out the griddle to make burgers on. 

"So hows Armin's birthday party planning going?" 

"It's fine, I don't really have to plan much, as you saw earlier the others kind of took over which is fine it means I can focus on Armin's doctor appointment Saturday. Thankfully the doctor we met at the hospital agreed to see him."

"Are you worried?" 

"Yeah I mean it's a little weird how he doesn't react to any type of noise and he hasn't said his first words, I'm wondering if he can hear us." After that, the conversation ended and I finished cooking. Once we all ate I got Mikasa ready for bed and convinced her that the kitten also needed sleep. Levi and I went to bed shortly after them and I was almost asleep when I heard a small meow come from my side of the bed. I looked and saw the kitten climbing the bed, I didn't help her get up here but she made it up here on her own and then curled up on my legs and quickly fell asleep. I guess there is now another addition to my bed.


Word Count: 754

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