Chapter 13

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Eren Jaeger POV (By the way there's probably gonna be a lot of alphabetical bombs this chapter, just a warning.)

"Are you guys sure this a good idea?" I asked as we approached the loud music. 

"Relax Eren, we just want you to have fun," Christa said. I sighed and nodded following everyone into the big house. 

"Let's go get drinks!" Connie said. Well, maybe he just means punch or something... no, he means alcohol, no one gets that excited over punch. Guess I'm gonna be taking a bunch of drunk friends home later but what else should I expect from these guys.  

"Eren you should drink with us!" Sasha yelled.

"Uh no thanks, I'll pass, I have to get the kids in the morning and I don't want to be hungover, I have work tomorrow too," I said. "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun without getting drunk also where did Levi go?" I asked looking around and realizing I couldn't find most of my friend group. 

"Probably just got lost in the crowd," Sasha said.

"I'm gonna go find him, don't go overboard on drinks," I said before walking off to go find Levi although he's pretty short so that might be difficult.

"Well look who it is," Jean said stepping in front of me. Great totally needed stopped by this horseface.

"What do you want?" I glared although it was dark so he probably couldn't see it.

"You know you always seem to piss me off but lately you've been pissing me off more than usual so I'm gonna make you pay for that." He said grabbing my arm but I used my other arm to punch him.

"Keep your hands off me and maybe if you just left me alone I wouldn't piss you off so much." 

"Oh, you bitch! I'm gonna kill you!" He said grabbing both of my arms and dragging me outside which resulted in me kicking him in the balls. He doubled over in pain and I tried to run back inside but Jean's groupies appeared and made sure I stayed right there. 

Jean recovered quickly and glared at me before smirking and cracking his knuckles. "Tie her arms." He ordered and the to guy got to it, they did get me tied up but they would not be without bruises that's for sure. "Now normally I would beat up chicks but since you insist you're a guy now there really shouldn't be any problems right?" 

"I hate your fucking guts," I said spitting at him. 

"Likewise, now this is gonna be so much fun." He said kicking me in the stomach causing me to hit my head on the brick wall I was up against. "That fucking hurt asshole!" I yelled and Jean just smirked again. 

"I know, that's the point, now be a good little bitch and shut up or I'll have to knock you out so you don't alert anyone." He said and I just glared before he kicked me again. Jean's lackey's decided this was a good time to join the fun. They took turns kicking or punching me, I lost count of how many times I coughed up blood and I was barely conscious. It got a little more serious though when Jean pulled out a knife.

"Woah man, don't you think we've gone far enough?" One of his friends asked.

"No, I think this is the last step, don't worry, I won't kill her, I'll just cut her up a little," Jean said as I felt black spots cloud my vision, this was not how I thought this night would end. I felt Jean cut me with the knife and it hurt a LOT but I didn't have the energy to scream. Eventually, the cutting stopped and I was kicked against the wall one more time, the last thing I saw before blacking out was Jean laughing and walking away.


"Eren, hey bud you need to wake up." Is that Connie? Why do I hear crying? I opened my eyes a little to see all of my friends surrounding me. 

"Hey, guys he's waking up," Reiner said. I tried to use my arm to push myself up but was stopped.

"No Eren lay back down you're beaten up pretty badly." That was Levi, well I know who's lap I was laying on now, I just nodded slightly and laid back down. "Eren we need to take you to the hospital, I know you don't want to but you're hurt too badly," Levi said and I just nodded since it's not like I could stop them from taking me. I was about to fall back asleep when I felt Levi pick me up. "Try to stay awake ok?" I nodded and listened trying to keep my eyes open. I focused on Levi and tried to listen to everyone and keep my mind off of how tired I was. 

"Levi he's losing a lot of blood," Christa said sniffling, she must've been the one I heard crying. 

"I know, I can hear the sirens though, the ambulance must be close." Ambulance? I can't afford that and I don't have insurance on myself. You know what? Death seems cheaper let's do that. "Eren don't even think about it, we'll worry about money later," Levi said.

"Is he seriously thinking about that in the state he's in?" Ymir asked.

"It's Eren, what else would you expect?" Levi responded.

"You have a point." The paramedics arrived and took me from Levi but I weakly grabbed his hand letting him know I wanted him to come with. Levi told the others to just meet us there and he got into the ambulance with me and off we were to the hospital again.


Word Count: 950

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