Chapter 1

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Eren Jaeger POV

"Mikasa hurry and come get your breakfast I have to get you to school," I called from the kitchen holding Armin on my waist.

"I'm coming." Mikasa's quiet voice called back as I heard her small feet running down the hall. "Eren can you brush my hair while I eat?" She asked although I'm certain she knew I would be doing that already.

"Of course," I replied setting Armin in his playpen and grabbing the brush from the counter, it's not that Mikasa couldn't brush her own hair she just preferred when I did it. Right now for the first time in probably a month, we weren't running late. 

"Do you have your bookbag?" I asked as we got ready to leave. Mikasa nodded and turned to show me her bag, I picked up Armin, my own bookbag and the keys and we were out the door.

"Eren," Mikasa said catching my attention, I turned and saw her holding Armin's diaper bag.

"Ah thanks, Mikasa I owe you one," I said grabbing the bag from her.

"Ice cream?!" She asked taking my statement seriously, I laughed at her cheerfulness.

"Maybe this weekend," I replied putting Armin in his car seat and waiting for Mikasa to get in and buckle up. Once they were safely in the car I started it up and we were off to Mikasa's school. I'm grateful for how well Mikasa has accepted everything lately. Out of everyone I knew, she was the most accepting of my transition, except for Armin is far too young to care or understand. I explained things as well as I could in a way that a six-year-old could understand and she just went with it. When mom left she used to ask a bunch when mom would come back but at this point, she also has accepted that mom probably isn't coming back. 

Once we got to her school I turned back and gave her a hug "Have a good day at school little warrior." I said using the nickname I gave her a few months ago. She waved bye and I watched to make sure she made it to her teacher before driving to the babysitter's house. Halfway there Armin started crying, he wasn't much one for car rides. "Shh, it's alright buddy we're almost there," I said although I knew he wouldn't stop crying till I picked him up. 

I finally arrived at the house and quickly unbuckled Armin and picked him up which calmed him down almost instantly. I grabbed the diaper bag and walked up to the door and knocked three times letting him know who it was. 

"Well look who's finally on time," Erwin said teasingly as he answered the door, now normally Erwin wouldn't be the babysitting type but I've known him for a long time, he knows my situation and loves Armin to death so he has no problem taking care of him while I'm gone. After finding out that the daycare had been neglecting Armin, Erwin was the only one I could trust with him. 

"Yeah yeah I know, I have to get going now, thanks again for watching him," I said handing Armin over and giving him a peck on the forehead which causing him to squeal a little and then leaving, now time to go to one of the places I hate the most, school.

"Hey~ Ellie," My bully Jean said as I arrived at the entrance. 

I sighed, "It's Eren, I've been Eren for almost a year so please stop calling me by that name." I said walking right past him. I know he only calls me Ellie to make me upset but I have grown to be quite a bit more mature over the last year or so and I know better than to give him much of a reaction. I made my way to my class and sat in the back as usual and took out my homework, I smiled a little when I saw the little hearts at the bottom of the page I forgot Mikasa sat with me while I did my homework last night.

The rest of my morning classes consisted of Jean messing with me whenever he could and me pretending I couldn't hear him. Finally, the lunch bell rang and I went to my normal table with my small group of friends, Bertholt, Reiner, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, and Christa. These guys were the only ones at school who knew my situation and had sworn not to tell anyone else. "Hey, guys." I greeted sitting down. 

"Hey Eren, how are you and the little ones?" Christa asked. 

"We're good, Armin started teething which while it makes him a lot fussier I'm glad, I was getting worried since according to the doctors he was supposed to start about three months ago," I explained, Christa was sweet and always checked to see how we were doing. 

"I'm glad, I know you were worrying about that," Connie said and I nodded before hearing my phone ring. I held my finger up to everyone letting them know I had to take it.


"Ah, hello Eren I kinda blew up my lab again and I uh I don't think I'll be able to watch Mika tonight I'm really sorry."

"Again? Are you ok?"

"Well, I'm a little banged up but mostly fine, it was all in the name of science." She said laughing.

"Yeah yeah, well thanks for letting me know, I'll talk to you later," I said hanging up.

"What happened?" Ymir asked.

I sighed again, "Hanji blew up her lab." I replied. 

"Again?" Reiner asked

"Yeah, that's the fourth time this year, she fine but now I don't have anyone to watch Mikasa while I go to work. Can any of you guys watch her just till seven?" I asked. They all gave me a sympathetic glance which quickly told me all of them had plans for tonight and none of those plans included watching a six-year-old. 

"We're sorry Eren," Christa said looking down.

"No no, it's alright I'll figure something out," I said laying my head on my arms, I have no idea what I'm gonna do.


Word Count: 1019

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