Chapter 16

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Eren Jeager POV

I woke up at the feeling of being repeatedly poked in the face. "Oh, you aren't dead," Levi said before pulling his hand back. 

"No, I'm not, why'd you think I was?" 

"Well you're hanging halfway off the couch and the vacuum is still in your hand so I thought you  died while cleaning, I suppose it would've been for an honorable cause."  

"Ah well, unfortunately for you, I'm still alive," I said pulling myself all the way on to the couch.

"How are you feeling?"

"Honest answer, like absolute crap." 

"So you gonna admit that I was right and that you acted like an idiot?" 

"Sure, now can you move, Armin's crying I need to go get him." 

"No stay there, I'll go get him." He said before walking off for a second before returning with Armin and handing him.

It didn't take me long to calm Armin down again and once I did he easily fell back asleep and I put him in his swing. I got out my phone and ordered pizza again since there was no way Levi was gonna let me cook even if I felt like it. Levi turned on the TV and I could hear Mikasa playing in the other room so I knew she had occupied herself. "I'm going to sleep, wake me when the pizza is here," I said and Levi nodded letting me know he heard me so I laid on him.

"Oh you meant here." 

"Mhm," I replied falling asleep almost instantly. 


"Eren pizza is here, time to get up again," Levi said shaking me awake for the second time today. I nodded and got up ( despite Levi's demands that I was to stay seated) and paid the pizza man as I took the pizza from him. I called for Mikasa who was still playing in her room and then went to make up a bottle for Armin since Erwin told me he was able to get Armin to eat baby food earlier.

After dinner I had Mikasa get ready for bed and quickly put Armin to bed before Levi could get onto me about not resting. Once I got to my room I just let my self fall backward onto the bed and was fully prepared to let myself sleep like that, Levi didn't think so. "Eren."


"You can't sleep like that."

"Why not?"

"That can't be comfortable, plus you need to take your binder off so you don't hurt yourself."

"Too tired, you do it," I said not even really thinking about what I was saying, Levi flustered a little before proceeding to help me remove my binder, I had just been joking but I guess this is fine. 

After all that we were both ready for bed, Levi was about to leave to his room but I pulled him down on my bed. "I want to cuddle," I said. 

"I guess that's fine." 

~A few days later~

Finally, today is the day I get to go back to school and work, I've been a mess this past week. I can't count the number of times Levi had to stop me from completely freaking out. Also, Armin's birthday is coming up soon and I want to make it special since it's his first birthday, luckily I have a group of friends who are crazy and fully prepared to sacrifice their lives for Armin so I have some pretty eager party planners. On Saturday though I'm taking Armin to the doctors, it's mostly just for a check-up but I do have a few concerns. Like the fact that he hasn't said his first words yet and he never has any reaction when I talk to him or noise is made. It could just be me being paranoid but better safe than sorry. 

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled startling me. 


"I want a puppy." 

"Mika we've been over this, we don't have the time or the money for a puppy they're a lot of work," I explained again after that Mikasa didn't speak to me the rest of the morning and just pouted. 

"What's got her so upset?" Levi asked once I dropped her off at school.

"I told her she couldn't have a puppy, her friend Annie has a puppy so now she wants one."

"I see," Levi replied. Once we got to school, Levi and I went to my locker to grab my stuff. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to jump and quickly turn around.

"Ah sorry Eren I didn't mean to scare you," Connie said. "Sasha and I wanted to see how you were doing." 

"Oh I'm fine, I'm going back to work today, you don't have to worry."

The school day went slow, very very slow but I felt fine so I guess I can't complain much. We spent the entire lunch period planning Armin's birthday party. Did the other students and staff find it weird that our group was getting worked up about a birthday party for a one-year-old? Yes, but we didn't care that much, actually, one of the staff that had come to quiet us down ended up joining our planning, she had some pretty good ideas too.

 Work was slow too but I didn't mind much, it was nice to be back into my normal routine. Levi's shift at the book store ended at the same time as mine so he was gonna pick up Armin while I went to get Mikasa, hopefully she isn't still mad at me.

Once I arrived at Hanji's house I noticed Hanji had one of her evil smirks on her face which can't possibly be a good thing but I decided to ignore it and just called Mikasa telling her it was time to go. Mikasa had the same look on her face that she got when she was hiding something, also not a good sign I'll talk to her about it when we get home. I texted Levi and asked him to pick up some hotdog buns and ketchup for dinner tonight and then we made our way home. 

Once we got home I set my things on the counter when I heard Mikasa cuss from behind me and quickly turned around to scold her. "Mikasa don't- WHY DO YOU HAVE A CAT!"


Word Count:1042

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