Chapter 15

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Eren Jeager POV

"Eren sit down, you need to rest!" Levi demanded and I sighed.

"Levi it's been two days and we can't order out forever, I'm just making dinner, it's not like I'm running a marathon," I explained. 

"Well then let me help at least." 

"Think about what you just suggested and decided what my answer to that will be." 

"I guess you have a point, but in my defense what you had me make was confusing." 

"It was macaroni." 

"How was I supposed to know that not all macaroni went in the microwave?"

"You put a metal pot in the microwave Levi, a metal pot." 

"I cleaned the burn marks."

"Not the ones on the ceiling."

"I can't reach the ceiling." 

"Then you shouldn't have caught the microwave on fire," I said and the conversation ended there as I continued making dinner. We were silent for a few minutes until I finished cooking. "Mikasa your grilled cheese is ready," I said and Mikasa dropped what she was doing to come eat.

(Y'all no joke I completely finished this chapter after this part and Wattpad deleted it and now I have to rewrite it, thanks Wattpad.) 

Since Armin was about ten months old now it's about time I try to start him on baby food. I tried multiple ways to get him to eat the baby food but he was having none of it. "Come on Armin please just try it," I begged.

"Go eat Eren I'll work on trying to give this to him," Levi said and I nodded handing him the spoon and jar of baby food. After a while of Levi trying Armin still wouldn't eat the baby food.

"Oh! Eren! Let me try!" Mikasa said.

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt," I said and lifted Mikasa up to Armin's highchair. To my surprise the first time Mikasa tried to get him to eat it he did which made her super excited. I let her finish feeding him while Levi and I talked. 

"Alright, Mikasa go brush your teeth and get ready for bed," I said after a while. Mikasa ran off to brush her teeth while I changed Armin into his pajamas and laid him down in his crib. Mikasa came into the room a few minutes later also ready for bed. I gave her a little kiss on her forehead and told her goodnight before entering my room. Levi had been sleeping in my bed for the past couple nights since we just fall asleep talking but tonight he actually asked to sleep in my room which I, of course, didn't have a problem with.


The next morning I woke up early and got myself and Mikasa ready for school along with getting Armin ready to go to Erwins. Levi woke up not too long after and wasn't too happy. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Getting ready for school."

"No, you need to stay home for at least four more days."

"But I feel fine now so I'm going." 

"No, you aren't!" 

"You can't stop me from going."

"Fine! Don't come running back to me if you get hurt again or feel sick!" Levi yelled and stormed out of the apartment. I stood in a slight shock for a moment before feeling a slight tug on my pant leg.

"E-eren," Mikasa said with tears in her eyes. "Mr.Levi isn't gonna hurt you is he? Like mama used to." She said and bent down to her height.

"No no, Levi won't hurt me, Mika he isn't like mama was." At least I don't think he'll hurt me. 


"Yeah, I promise. Now, do you want some candy before you go to school?" I asked and she went back to her normal excited self and nodded. I gave her some candy and we left for the day.


After I dropped Mikasa off at school and got Armin to Erwin's I headed to school. Luckily I wouldn't have to deal with Jean since he was suspended but I would have to deal with Levi not talking to me all-day which is exactly what happened.

My other friends weren't too happy with my choice either but they got over it rather quickly after all they believe I'm some sort of superhuman. Levi just thinks I'm an idiot. He's not wrong though. It's only halfway through the day and I already feel like absolute crap.

Once the day finally ended I felt like I was gonna pass out. I had thrown up twice due to pain but nobody knew about that, I cleaned up well. I almost passed out in the parking lot but somehow didn't and made it to my car. Petra wasn't gonna let me work today which is probably for the best. 

I eventually got Mikasa and Armin home and put Armin down for a nap. I told Mikasa to go play quietly and then decided to try to do some cleaning. Levi was at work so he wouldn't be back for a while, not that he would acknowledge me anyway. I tried to clean up but as soon as I got to the living room I completely passed out on the couch.


Word Count: 858

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