Chapter 9

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Eren Jeager POV

"Yeah I know, I'm really sorry Petra but there's just no way I'll be able to work, Armin is sick and I had to take him to the hospital, we're in the waiting room right now, I'll update you on how he is in a bit, thanks for understanding," I said before hanging up. Well, there goes getting ahead on bills, it's ok though, Armin is more important. I just hope it's nothing too serious, on to another issue, technically I'm not his legal guardian, my mom still is but I don't know where she is nor do I ever want to see her again. I mean I'm only sixteen but it's not like they have anyone else and I'm not about to let them go into foster care. I don't how I'll be able to give them any paperwork or get him medication. 

"Eren!" Levi yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "You've been pacing back and forth for the last twenty minutes and you look like you're about to pass out, people are starting to get concerned. Sit down and we'll talk ok?" He said. I took a deep breath and nodded sitting down next to him. "Good, now we can worry about everything when the doctor comes to get us. You've been up for two days straight pretty much, how about you try to get some sleep?" He suggested.

"No I can't, there's too much going on I can sleep later," I replied. 

"You are way too stubborn, luckily it looks like Armin's doctor is approaching." He said causing me to look up. 

"Ah is Armin ok?" I asked as soon as he got close.

"He'll be fine, he just has the flu and we put him on some antibiotics, it's good that you brought him in though, you can come to see him." The doctor said, he seems nice maybe he'll understand my situation. I pulled Levi up from his chair since I was rushing a little and we followed the doctor to the room Armin was in. 

Once we got there Armin was sleeping soundly causing me to sigh in relief seeing that he was okay. "Are you his guardian?" And there's the question. 

"Yes! I mean no, uh kinda, it's complicated." I said freaking out a bit, Levi put this hand on my shoulder probably trying to calm me down.

"Well, I'm all ears." The doctor said. 

"Well you see, I'm only sixteen but I've been taking care of Armin and our sister for about a year now. My mom left because she couldn't take the stress of having kids anymore so she just left them with me and my dad died when I was little, I don't even know who Mikasa and Armin's fathers are. Trust me though, I take care of them just fine, I struggle sometimes but they're fine I promise! I can pay for any treatment Armin needs I just worked a lot of extra hours I can handle it, I know it's not exactly legal but please don't take them away." I explained freaking out again and tearing up a little. 

The doctor looked kind of surprised probably not expecting that but then he gave a sympathetic look towards me before sighing, "I'll cover you, I'll cover your expenses too, you just worry about making sure your little brother is happy alright?" 

"Wait really?!" I asked and he nodded. "Thank you so much!" I said giving him a hug and he just smiled and patted me on the back. 

"Here's my personal phone number, if you ever have any questions alright, I need to go since I have other patients, I'll be back in a few hours to check you guys out." 

"Alright thank you so much again!" I said as the doctor left the room. "Well, that's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders." 

"See I told you it would be ok, although I didn't really expect that, I'm kinda surprised you didn't turn it down," Levi said.

"I may struggle with asking for help but I'm also in no place to turn it down."

"You have a point."

"I need to go get Mikasa but I can't leave Armin." 

"I'll go get her just give me the address." Levi offered.

"Alright, I'll let them know it's you coming and not me so they know they can give her to you," I said handing him a slip of paper with the address, Levi just nodded and walked off. 


Levi returned about an hour and a half later with Mikasa and also ice cream, guess that's why it took so long. "Eren! Eren! Levi got me ice cream!" She said excitedly with chocolate covering her face. 

"I can see that, did you have a good time with your friend?" I asked.

"Mhm! We went to the park, and then Annie and I played with her puppy in the back yard, and it was so cute!" She said and continued talking about everything she did with Levi and I just listening. Eventually, she finished telling us all about her sleepover and how much fun she had. 

"Mika can you come over here so I can wipe your face you've got chocolate all over," I said and she nodded and ran over to me. I pulled her up onto my lap and used a baby wipe to wipe her face. "Mikasa are you tired?" I asked after she yawned and she just nodded leaning against me. "Alright go ahead and sleep," I told her and she nodded closing her eyes and almost instantly fell asleep.

About an hour later the doctor came back in and smiled at us. "I'm guessing this little one is Mikasa." He said quietly so he didn't wake her. I just nodded and the doctor handed us the papers telling us Armin could be released. "You guys are good to go."

"Thank you," I replied. I gently handed Mikasa over to Levi and picked up Armin putting him in his car seat thankfully without waking him and then we were on our way back home.


Word Count: 1016

Growing up too fastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora