I got tagged y'all

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So I was tagged by gIvE_mE_cRaCk nice username by the way.

Now I guess I'm saying 10 things about myself. Do they have to be interesting? No? Ok good.

1. So incase you didn't already know, I'm a female and a lesbian female at that. I'm currently taken which is honestly surprising but I love that girl with all my heart so I'm not complaining.

2. I desperately need more anime buddies to talk to, all my friends left me but hey this isn't my sob story time, anyway if you are addicted anything in the following list of anime, hit me up don't be shy.

●Banana Fish
●Yuri on Ice!
●Attack on Titan
●My Hero Academia
I have a much longer list but these are my main addictions right now.

3. My name Jeff. No. It's not. I was joking. My name is Kylie. Can that count as the joke? No? Ok fine.

4. I'm a junior in highschool. In other words year 11 for those of you who don't understand America's terminology. (I honestly don't  blame you if you don't.)

5. I have a crap ton of drafts and can't decide which one to post next. (There's gonna be voting for that in my profile soon cause I can't make decisions.)

6. I have like three jobs and am about to have a fourth one. I totally have my life together yep, definitely don't constantly worry about my inevitable adulthood.

7. I have other social media besides this, I'll leave it right here, actually the username is seriously Crazyshipper154  on everything, I'm very creative yup. I don't ever post anything (I will eventually I'm just dealing with some issues first) but sometimes I go live on Instagram just cause I can.

8. I have 4 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 snakes. I know this is a common fact people normally put down but hey give me a break I'm not a interesting person. Hey should I show them pictures of the animals? No and stop talking to yourself damn weirdo. Ok fine.

9. Geez it's taking too long to come up with number nine. Ok if I had a super power to would be... actually I have no idea what it would be. What would your guy's superpower be?

10. Despite the insanely strict diet I have forced on myself in hopes of acquiring a higher self esteem, I love baking and cooking but mostly baking, my family can appreciate that.

Ok now I gotta tag 28 more persons, I hope whoever I tag has a fun time revealing their deepest darkest secrets for all the readers to see. No. I'm joking again. Wait no come back. I said I was joking you don't actually have to do that. (By the way I'm just tagging the first 28 people that pop up so apologies if you don't appreciate being tagged that's just how the game of tag works friends.)


(Ok the tag thing is being irritating so that's what you get.)

Now I'm supposed to tell a joke. Uh... How did the chicken cross the road? The chicken wanted to get to the other side of the road. Ha, that's so funny, I'm so funny. You aren't laughing are you? That's fine I see how it is.

Spoiler time I guess, Imma keep this short and to the point cause I have stuff to do. In my story Found Again somebody is gonna die. Dun dun dun.

Ok now the tag thing is over it's time to put my serious glasses on. Ha I got you. I only have one pair of glasses. That was the real joke. No it's not don't believe me.

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