Chapter 19

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Eren Jeager POV

It's been a few months since we found out Armin was deaf and the signing has actually been going really well, Armin is picking it up really quickly it helps that Erwin is fluent in sign so he can work with Armin when I'm not around. Mikasa had a bit of trouble with wanting to learn it but after realizing that she could show it off to her teachers and friends she was learning just as fast as Levi and I were. 

It was actually my birthday today so I would be eighteen, normally that would mean celebrating but for me it meant doing lots of paperwork to make me Armin and Mikasa's legal guardian along with putting all the bills and stuff that I already pay under my name. It's a lot of work but the sooner I live like this legally the better. 

"What are you doin' Bright Eyes?" Levi asked sneaking up behind me.

"Just paperwork."

"What for?"

"Well I'm eighteen today so I'm pretty much just making everything I already do legal for me to do."

"It's your birthday today! Why didn't I know about this?" He asked.

"Probably because I didn't tell you," I said not actually paying to much attention to this conversation.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"It's not like I was trying to hide anything I just didn't think it was that important."

"Does Mikasa know it's your birthday?"

"Probably, I've never celebrated it so she knows that it's just gonna be like every other day," I explained.

"Well, it's not gonna be like that this time," Levi said now catching my full attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked turning towards him.

"We are gonna do something special," Levi said causing me to smile a little. 

"That's thoughtful Levi but this paperwork is gonna take a lot of time and I have to work this afternoon, after work I'll need to go get groceries, oh, I should probably write a list down so I don't forget, Levi can you go see if the kitten needs any more food?"  I asked before turning back to the table and grabbing my notepad. 

"Yes, but this conversation isn't over," Levi said going to check the kitten's food. "She's gonna need more food, now back to what we were talking about."

"I already told you, Levi, I'm too busy, it's not that big of a deal, I never celebrate." 

"When was the last time you had a day off?"

"New years I think."

"Eren that was five months ago!"

"In other news, guess who isn't behind on any of the bills this month! It's me I've triple checked and I am caught up on everything even the electric bill."

"That's great Eren but you just tried to change the subject again." 

"Ah sorry, what were we talking about again?" I asked messing with him.

"Eren!" He yelled causing me to start laughing. Levi just shook his head and walked off "I'm calling Petra by the way and telling her that you are taking the day off." 

"Ok fine but tell her it was your idea," I said and he didn't respond so I just went back to the stack of paperwork that I thought was too big but it needs to be done so there's nothing I can do. 


A few hours later I finished and got up to make lunch which was just macaroni. As I was cooking I felt two arms wrap around waist and giggled a little. "Hey, Levi."  

"Hey Bright Eyes, so what do you want to do with your free time now that I got you off work." 

"Well, I was thinking we could just cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the day."

"That's not very birthday party like but I guess it'll do." 

"Then we'll get a cake and have pizza for dinner, bam now it's a celebration," I said causing Levi to laugh a little. "Can you tell Mikasa lunch is ready?" I asked and he nodded releasing me and going to Mikasa's room. Once I got the macaroni served up I grabbed a can of baby food and a small spoon before putting Armin in his highchair. 

By the time I finished feeding him, Levi and Mikasa had finished eating too. I was never really hungry at lunchtime so as long as I ate breakfast and dinner Levi didn't get on me about it. "Alright, I just need to put Armin down for his nap, and then it's movie time," I said and Levi nodded.

We were about halfway done with our second movie when we heard a knock on the door causing Levi, who was almost asleep, to groan as I got up. "Wonder who this could be?"


Word Count: 787

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