Chapter 8

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    "We did well you know..." I say from our position on the balcony.

    "I know." Max replies.



     "You are gonna win." Max turns to me looking scared.

     "Rosie you can't say something like that I will not let you die! Do you hear me?" Max is now shaking my shoulders as if to wake me up from a deep sleep.

      "Max!" I throw his hands off of mine, "Stop! I can't live with out you so you are going to win and I am going to die, it's what you do for someone you love, okay?" I may only be twelve but the words that just came from my mouth are years past my age.

       "Don't say that!" 

       "I'm just being honest... Max you are stronger and bigger and better at aiming and I.... I have nothing to love anymore Max..."

       "What about your brother?"

       "He won't remember me.... My parents are already insane they can't go crazier. I have the tiniest piece of hope and it comes from you... I can't lose you!"

        He embraces me tight before I go into a full on crying fit.

        I keep my head on his shoulder afraid he will be swiped away from me too fast.

        "Listen." He whispers, "You are amazing and I know this because I know everything about you. Your favorite color is blue because it reminds you of the night sky... Your favorite food is stew the one from Greasy Saes.... Your favorite song is a song your mother sang about a hanging tree because she sang it during the rebellion. Your favorite jacket is your grandpa's leather hunting one... You don't go anywhere without a thread of you baby blanket tied around you middle finger," I look down at my right hand, the blue thread still tied on from before my twelfth birthday, "How you hide your face with your bangs when you are embarassed. How your voice goes deeper when you lie... How your face goes red when your caught... and every other little perfect thing about you." Max finishes and I begin.

         "How your favorite color is green because it reminds you of the forest where you and I used to play... You love the fresh bread from my father's bakery... You never stop thinking about others and you never think of yourself... You always keep that medallion on," I point to the gold medallion around his  neck,  "because Sam, your little brother, gave it to you when he died three years ago from a spider bite... and how you aim for every catches heart because you believe the soul is set free quicker. Max... I know all your faults, your little rituals, your habbits... I never want to lose you... so you are winning." I answer with my head still on his shoulder.

            "Listen don't say that okay... don't." he pulls away and looks me right in the eye. I decide to stop because I know he won't stop resisting.

             "Okay." I direct my attention towards the city lights, as he walks closer to the rim and farther from me, "I wouldn't do that if I were you... ther is some sort of electric field that blocks you from here to the ground... My father was hurt severely due to it."

              "Thanks." Something in Max's words sends a sort of chill down my spine.

              "What's wrong?"


               "Max... The chill.... I mean I can tell something is wrong."

               "Nothing is wrong."

                I spin Max around with all my force...

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