Chapter 19

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Ever since Maddie's death, the boys have been moping around. Max keeps telling me how much he loves me, and how thankful he is that he had the chance to be in love. Where as Jonny just sits and stares. In the night he cries, though Max and I pretend not to hear the quiet sobs.

"I love you." Max says snuggling closer to me.

"I love you to." I smile, a little piece of my heart breaking off and turning to dust, every time he says it.

"Promise me something, when I die, you'll cry over my body like in the movies."

I don't reply. My response is unlike any response anyone has ever given at a heartfelt moment like this.

I stand up, walk outside, run towards the woods, and puke.

"Sh-Sh-Sh, you are alright." Max pats my back as I choke on the last bit of my dinner, "It is just the bite."

I can feel the tears dripping down my face. Max goes to hug me but I push back.


 "Am I dreaming?" I ask.

  "Do you usually puke in your dreams?"

  "No, I mean yes, kinda, but that isn't why. It is this feeling." I try to put my finger on it, "Fear." I whisper.

  "Fear? What are you scared of?"



  "Yes you. Well not you. I am scared of losing you."

  People spend their whole lives searching for comfort. Searching for love. Comfort is love, because love is where you find comfort. But I don't feel comfort, when I am in the grip of my loved one, as most do. I feel fear, fear that comfort will eventually bring me fear, fear that love is where you fall into a hole 6 feet wide and 8 feet deep, that you are left to sink in until death. That this fear will ruin my life, and eventually ruin me. I can't be in a relationship with someone who is willing to die in order for me to live. If that is love, I can't have it. I can't feel comfort. If I feel comfort, I feel fear. If I feel fear, I will someday feel comfort. That to me is better than living a life of fear, because a love like this means death. One of us must die, for one to live, but one dying will kill the other one.

  Wait, one of us must die.

  One of us!

  I know what I have to do!

  I now know, what to do.

  I must let myself enjoy the fact that I found comfort and love. I must let myself fall into a hole 6 feet wide and 8 feet deep. Fear won't ruin my life, or me. I will be in a relationship with someone who would die for me, wouldn't I do the same for him? I can have both love, and a happy ending. Sooner than I hoped. But who doesn't love a happy ending.

  "Rosie?" I hear a voice break me out of my daydream.

  "Yes, Max?" I say rather pleased with my decision.

  "I love you."

  "I love you too."


  Genyss smiles at my joke. I smile back. We are in the arena, or something like the arena. Something very close to the arena. The wind blows my hair in a tornado around me. The cornucopia in the distance. Max is there, smiling, but I don't know why.

  "How are you planning on doing it?" Genyss asks.

  "Well it is sure to be quite an event." I say taking Max's hand.

  "Oh I am just so happy for you, Rosie." I smile too.

  Are me and Max getting married.

  "Just remember, I will be here waiting for you." Huh? Genyss? He is a hallucination. How? Wait? What?

  "Here Rosie," Max hands me a knife, "I engraved our initials into it, so your heart will be imprinted with our love." Max smiles.

  "Oh Max, how sweet. Well I better hop to it. Goodbye!"

  I wake up just as the knife drives through my heart.

  "Rosie are you alright?" Max asks.

  "Yeah. Had one of those dreams where you fall of a cliff." More like one of those dreams where you fall into your grave.

  "Oh." He moans and rolls over.

  I lay my head in the curve of his neck and play with his hair until morning.


  "Morning." I say blinking my sleep filled eyes, pretending like I just woke up.

  Max kisses me and smiles. Jonny gaga.

  "You know? I have never been so disgusted in my lives. Can you guys give it a break, and get a room?" Me and Max laugh, "I am serious! You two go around flaunting your love for the world to see, when really you are just two heartless people about to say goodbye." My leg screams with pain.

  "Max!" I scream, my heart starts to race and my vision blurs.

  "Rosie?" He asks.

  It feels like an elephant is standing on my chest.

  "She is getting worse." Jonny doesn't say anything.

   "Max!" My whole body starts shaking violently.

   "She is having a seizure." Max screams.

   My teeth chatter, and my eyes roll back involuntarily

   Things go black, right as Jonny says, "Goodbye!".


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