16: Fall

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Chapter 16


I felt like I was moving. I could hear sounds around me, voices even, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Was I dreaming?

I tried to sit up but something held me down,  causing an alarm of panic to run through me. I tried to move my head but that too was restrained.  

I snapped open my eyes,  to be see a middle aged man standing before me.

"What the fu-"

The man spoke, interrupting me.

"Carmen, my name is James.   You are in an ambulance. I need you to remain calm. You've had a fall and  hit your head and we're bringing you to the hospital. "

I blinked at the man, confused. I had hit my head? I began to become aware of a throbbing pain in the back of my head.

My eyes scanned the ambulance.  I looked down and realized I was strapped into the trolley.

Tears stung at the edge of my eyes, threatening to spill. To say the least I was overwhelmed.  I was confused and hurt and I just wanted to go home.

"But-but where are my-" I stopped my shaky voice from finishing that sentence.  I was going to say 'friends' but who was I speaking of? In the movies you always saw a family member or friend riding with the injured person.  I didn't have anyone to be here with me.

The paramedic looked at me wearily, clearly thinking I was confused. I felt fine mentally, except for the fact that I couldn't remember what happened.

The ambulance came a stop and within seconds the door of was pulled open and two more paramedics pulled out the trolley I was lying on.

"Carmen you're doing great,  just another few minutes and we'll be inside."

I blinked at them, their words not meaning anything to me. I was in a slight trance, watching everything around me as the pushed me into the hospital.

How the hell had this even happened?

A bout of nausea hit me as I was pushed into what I was told was the emergency room.  A few other trolleys lay there,  with various people with various injuries lying on them.

I stared up at the ceiling, trying to recall what happened and ignore the feeling of sickness

 A kind nurse had came in and taken my blood pressure and another one took my blood.  She told me to stay awake and  promised me that a doctor would be into me soon.  No one told me what happened, no one gave me any information.

I tried to think in steps, what I did throughout the day.

I'd left Dan's, I remembered that much.  Why had I left?

I tried to think of anything that had happened in the last week that would make me want to leave Dan's.


Ian, that why I left Dan's.  I was going to have dinner with him.

I looked around the room.  Where the hell was he? Was he okay? Did he get hurt too?

I was going crazy inside my head, various circumstances floating around my head. The door of the emergency room opened and a man walked in. I hoped it was the doctor but as he made his way towards my bed, I realised it wasn't, it was Dan.

"Dan?" I croaked out in surprise. What the hell was he doing here?

His eyes widened once he spotted me and he was at the bedside within seconds.

Alchemy- A Bastille/Dan Smith FanFicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora