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Chapter 25

It wasn't like the movies.

No one came running to me.

Linda didn't apologize.

Dan didn't hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay.

No. I sat in my room and cried, alone, because that was what my life was.


When the tears finally dried up and I was just sat on my bed, feeling miserable, I decided to venture out of the room.

I could hear chatter and laughter coming from the sitting-room, everyone was seemingly still here. My stomach was making a lot of noise, seeing as I never finished my dinner, so I decided to avoid the sitting room and head straight for the fridge. 

Each shelf was lined with left-overs from dinner giving me a wide choice, but I didn't really care and just pulled out the first plate my eyes landed on.

As I set the plate down on the counter, something caught my eye. Outside the window which was sat above the sink, I could just about make out a figure sitting in the grass. It could have been anyone, but the outline of the mass of hair gave it away.

The night sky almost shocked me. I had become so accustomed to the dismal skies of London, seeing a sky full of stars was breath taking. I wanted to just stand and stare for the rest of eternity, but I had to talk to Dan.

"I told you the stars were amazing here, didn't I."

Dan glanced behind him, his eyes squinting slightly behind his glasses. He smiled slightly, raising an eyebrow.

"They're alright, I guess." 

I sat down onto the grass beside him and pulled my knees to my chest. We both sat in silence, staring at the bright sky. 

I wanted to say something, the silence was becoming almost deafening. I wanted to ask him, ask him why he didn't come into me. I wanted him to apologise, but I could already tell he wouldn't.

"So look. I have to go back. George, the new manager guy, called. He wants us to meet earlier than I thought, I'll have to leave first thing tomorrow morning. I'll take the bus, you stay here with your family and..Linda."

My gaze left the sky and snapped straight to his face. "You have to meet? On boxing day? Are you being serious?"

Dan didn't dare look at me, I could tell he was lying. I couldn't sit there and listen to him lie to me.

 Shaking my head, I pushed my self from the  ground.

"If you want to fucking leave Dan, then go. You don't need to bullshit with me." 

"I don't want to leave, Carmen. I just, I think I need to go."

A rush of anger ran through me,  resulting in a bitter laugh.

"Don't. Fucking. Do. That." A snide smile had formed on my lips. I was done, so bloody done with everyone's shit.

Dan pushed himself roughly from the ground. "Why are you even mad, I didn't do anything. I'm doing what is right,  okay?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. How dare he?

"Oh I'm sorry, were you not flirting with my fucking cousin all night, Dan?"

"I wasn't bloody flirting with her!  Can I not talk to other females any more?"

"Oh fuck off Dan."

I was close to tears, from frustration and just pure disappointment.  I didn't know what to say any more.

"You know what Carmen, once again you're angry because of Linda.  I warned you about Linda. I could see that melt down coming a mile away, but you never listen to me. And now you're taking it out on me." He laughed slightly and shook his head. "You can't even see it. She is controlling your life!  I'm sorry but I'm not going to sit by and watch that happen."

Alchemy- A Bastille/Dan Smith FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now