Chapter 26

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Earth-38, National City, DEO

After a few minutes Barry and Kara arrived with some clothes of both of them, Barry didn't bring all his clothes since he wants to stay until they have defeated the worldkillers, and because he wants to stay with Kara of course. Arrow's team was already waiting for them, but before they go Supergirl went a give her goodbyes to everyone, Alex still wanted to go, but somehow she could convince her sister to stay. When they were about to live Mon-El went to talk to Kara.

"Kara wait!"

"What's up Mon-El?" She asked

"Can I talk to you and Barry... Alone?" Barry and Kara look shocked both of them look at Oliver if they could go and he just nodded and then told them "5 minutes" they went to the meeting room still not knowing what was happening, when they were all there, Mon-El closed the door, after a few seconds he just sighed and he started

"Look... I'm sorry, I was an ass these past days, and it's just I was sad about being left behind on your love life and-" Kara then interrupted him

"You weren't left behind Mon-El, you know before Barry came to our earth I didn't talk to anybody, I could barely go anywhere we used to go without remembering you, it was really tough and I know it was tougher for you since felt my pain 7 years instead of 7 months." Mon-El just look down still embarrassed about everything

"And I'm sorry to you Barry, t was my fault about everything, our fight on the bar, Kara being injured, it was all my fault. You know... I was jealous of you being with the person I still love and it hurt watching you and Kara... watching each other like I used to... hurt a lot" Barry went a put his hand on his shoulder

"I understand, I used to feel the same way with Iris when he was with Eddie, but she didn't look at me the same way I saw her, and I started to understand that we weren't going to be something, then I went with Linda and Patty. And I finished being with her, but you know... When we were dating I didn't feel a spark I felt when I started with Kara. And I know you will find your spark, and when you find that spark would be happy, I promise you, and maybe I could help you get that spark" everyone laugh, then Kara went to grab Mon-El's hand

"We will both be here for you, and I still love you, you know that, but not the same way it was 6 months ago, and I know you will get someone like I got Barry" He still looked sad, but his face started to change to a grin, then Flash extended his hand

"Are we okay?" he said, he grabbed his hand and shook it

"We are okay, and good luck on your earth"

"Thanks, you take care of this one," Barry said, he just nodded, and Kara hugs him.

Then they went with team Arrow to finally go to Earth-1, after a few days of not going Barry was afraid and nervous of what could have happened, and Kara knew that, so she went and grab his hand and kiss him on his cheek.

"Hey, I'm here, no matter what, now let's go we need to catch those bad guys" As she said this Oliver pressed something on the extrapolator and the blue hole appeared.

"Let's go, we need to save the earth as fast as we can, so we can help you on this one," Oliver said, and like that, the heroes disappeared, preparing for the chaos that is going to happen on that earth.

Earth-1, Central City, STAR Labs

Cisco was playing with something on the complex while Caitlin was researching for things that could help fight against these two villains, and also she was buying new meds since his favorite patient is coming back, she hoped so...

So minutes pass by and still, no one was coming through the complex, and Cisco started to worry. Maybe they went to the wrong earth, Are they okay? Is Barry okay? Many things passed through Cisco, after a few minutes of worry Joe had arrived, he was really tired since he went to talk to some people that saw the "Yellow Blur" when he arrived he asked them if he had arrived and received the same answer he received on the phone... No.

Suddenly there was an alert sounded... someone from another Earth has just arrived through STAR Lab's blue hole. They all run to check who it was and they saw Oliver, Diggle, and Thea all passing through, and then they saw Kara passing through with her Supergirl suit, and then they saw Barry, everyone from Team Flash run to hug him, and Barry just returned the hug.

After a few minutes of talking about what was happening on both earths, The team talks to Wally so he could check everything once again. Meanwhile, he was doing that, Barry asked them if they knew about the new guy and who it was. But the answer was no, they showed him the footage of when he was last seen, but sadly it was the back of a floating chair.

Oliver and his team needed to go back to his City, but before they could go Oliver decided to talk to Barry before leaving. Both of them went to the time vault so they could have their privacy.


Marlize and the worldkillers had arrived at the place were DeVoe and Reverse Flash were hiding, and DeVoe looks mad when he saw the four of them.

"What happened?"

"Look, three guys went and help the two of them and they helped them"

"Okay, now we need to go back to phase 2, but this time we need to do it right you understand?!"

"Yeah, whatever now let's finish this now"

"Tomorrow we are going to start that, for now, let's prepare for this war..."

AN: Thanks for reading this! Don't forget to vote! See you on Wednesday! :p

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