Chapter 2

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Earth-1, Star City, The Secret Lair of Team Arrow

"I know the felling man, but you have been strong not for me not for team flash do it for Iris," said Oliver to Barry while he was looking to the floor. "He is right," someone said behind Barry's back. "We know it hurts but Iris doesn't want you to be like this, she wants you to be the best speedster, the best man, she wants you to be the best of all," Felicity said.

"How could I do that without the love of my life?" Barry said with tears on his cheeks. "You just have to keep running, keep running until you no longer can, we will be here by your side don't forget that Barry, " Oliver said while he gives palms to Barry's back.

After a little while Barry went back home, he didn't know if he was going to be able to do what Oliver said to him, but he was also afraid about what could happen to him in the future since he already went to the future and saw what he become.

But finally, he decided he will be out of earth 1, he will visit someone that might know what to do in these circumstances... Jay.

So he decided to run to STAR labs and talk to Cisco so he can take him to earth 3


Jay Garrick was in the middle of a fight against the Trickster, after a rough fight the Flash won when the police arrived at the crime scene The Flash nowhere to be seen, Jay went to an alley to change back to his normal clothes when he was almost finished he saw a blue portal, he was prepared to fight put he stand down when he saw Barry Allen.

Barry didn't say anything until they arrived at the cafe that Jay was supposed to eat dinner, finally when they arrived Barry told everything that happened after Jay went back to his earth.

Finally, Jay gave him a hug, Barry also hug him, Barry sees Jay as his own father, right because he is his father on his earth, but he also teaches him everything about the speed force and what he can do on tough times, that's why he went to his earth.

Jay finally spoke to break the silence by saying, "Son, every speedster and superhero has to fight against the worst of the worst, of course, there are big consequences that will affect your life forever, but you have to keep going for the one that is not with us anymore, everyone is hurt, but if you show them that you are hurt more than anyone it will affect everything, everyone, but instead if you show them that you are strong, they will be strong they will be better, it will cost a lot, but it will be worth it. You are the leader Barry, you need to show that the leader can be strong when there are big and nasty consequences show them that no matter what you are strong alright?" 

Barry nodded with his head saying yes in a very long time it was the first time he smiles, Jay finished by saying, "But first, take your time to calm down, think, and when you are ready you will see that everyone will be happy to see you and they will be happy to continue to do their superhero work."

Barry finally spoke and said "You know what? I think I will visit a superhero friend that maybe she can help me, she also has suffered a lot of loses but she is still strong."

Jay nodded and told him, "Do that stay with him for a while, and when you are ready to go back with your team you will see that everything will be better"

"It's actually her," Barry said and Jay smiled and said "Ok, then go with her talk to her and maybe somethings can change," he said winking his eye. Barry didn't get it but thank Jay for everything and went back to his earth so he can talk to the team and take his time while going to Kara's earth.

Earth-38, National City Kara's Apartment

6 months after the events of the Daximites, Kara was on her couch watching some things that Mon-El and she used to have suddenly someone knock the door, then Kara uses her x-ray vision to see that Alex was knocking the door. Kara didn't want to see someone right now so she didn't answer. But Alex knew Kara was there so she said "Come on Kara I know you are there I want to talk to you please" Kara didn't answer.

Alex finally uses a tool to open the door. "Kara please I just want to know if you are ok after everything that is going on," Alex said while sitting next to her sister. "I'm ok you don't have to worry, now you can go with Maggie to prepare your wedding" Kara respond "How did you..." "superhearing" Kara interrupted Alex. "But Kara..." Alex said "Alex you don't have to worry I'm fine I just need time to think what is next in my life as Supergirl because Kara Danvers left with the pod of Mon-El. Now go with Maggie before I fly you out with Maggie" Kara said annoyed

"Ok, if you ever want to talk with me I will be there, but I want Kara Danvers, not Supergirl," Alex said while leaving Kara's apartment. After Alex leaves, Kara starts to cry she knew that her sister was just trying to help her but she is sad about Mon-El, but she didn't know that she was about to find something else that will change her life.

Kara decided to relax a little so she decided to go out as Supergirl to listen to everything and to patrol, in some point of the patrol she finally closed her eyes to relax, when she closed her eyes she started to see a million versions of her with Mon-El walking in some gardens of Krypton, but then in one of the dreams she didn't saw Mon-El, she saw her superfriend, Barry...

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